SQL Not returning the same as it does when embedded in a SSRS Report

  • I am hoping someone can help me?

    I have been tasked with updating a report but for some reason when I try to run the SQL emabedded in the SSRS Report it does not return any results. But it works fine within the report.

    I am passing in the exact same params so is a bit odd. The SQL is below:

    declare @RefNumber varchar

    set @RefNumber = ''

    declare @AuditNote varchar

    set @AuditNote = '2014'

    declare @Loc varchar

    set @Loc = 'welbeck'

    --set @Loc = 'dudbridge'

    declare @SalesStatus varchar

    declare @Title varchar

    declare @ExceptTitle varchar

    declare @DHS varchar

    declare @ArtworkStatus varchar

    set @SalesStatus = '3,4,5,36,115,116,117,118,119,120'

    set @ArtworkStatus = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11'

    set @DHS = '1,2,5,6'

    SELECT a.ArtworkId, dhs.DHCategory, a.RefNumber, a.Title ArtworkTitle, ast.Status, ss.Name SalesStatus, m.Name Medium, ct.Aka --, a.CompletionYear ---- selecting multiple fields line1

    , CratesAndComp.Title, CratesAndComp.PackStatus, CratesAndComp.Location, CratesAndComp.LocationDetail

    , CratesAndComp.Dimensions, Height, [Length], Depth, convert(decimal(25,5),convert(bigint,Height) *convert(bigint,[Length]) * convert(bigint,Depth))/1000000000 Volume

    , case CratesAndComp.InsuranceComp when 0 then 0 else cst.TotalCost end TotalCost ---- selecting multiple fields line1

    , isnull(HasAuditYear,0) HasAuditYear

    FROM (select * from Artwork

    where (

    @RefNumber = ''

    or (RefNumber in (select nstr from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,',')) and charindex(',',@RefNumber) >0)

    or (RefNumber between (select min(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-'))

    and (select max(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-')) and charindex('-',@RefNumber) >0)

    or ( convert(varchar(100),RefNumber)= @RefNumber)


    ) a

    LEFT JOIN (select ArtworkId, count(1) HasAuditYear -- display only artworks with note of type audit and description of note = Momart XXXX

    from Note n

    join NoteType nt on n.TypeId = nt.NoteTypeId

    where convert(varchar(100),nt.Name) like '%' + @AuditNote + '%'

    group by ArtworkId) nt on a.ArtworkId = nt.ArtworkId

    INNER JOIN (select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) else convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) end + '/' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(nocrates,0)) + ' ' + isnull(ac.Title,'') + ' ' + isnull(act.Name,'') Title ---- inner join

    , ms.Name Location, case when NoComponents = Packed or (isnull(Packed,0) <> 0 and comp.PackedInsuredComponent =1) then isnull(comp.InsuranceComp,0) else 0 end InsuranceComp

    , dbo.fn_getCrateDimensionsInString(ac.CrateId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , case when isnull(Packed,0) = 0 then 'Empty' ----

    when NoComponents = Packed then 'Packed' ----

    else 'PartlyPacked' end PackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkCrate ac ----

    left join (select artworkid, count(1) NoCrates ---- join

    from ArtworkCrate ac---- from artworkcrate table

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where History=0

    and StatusId not in (2,3,4)

    group by artworkid) nocrt on ac.artworkid = nocrt.artworkid ---- group by artworkid

    left join ArtworkCrateType act on ac.TypeId = act.CrateTypeId ---- left join

    LEFT JOIN (select CrateId, sum(convert(smallint,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp, sum(case when PackStatus = 1 then 1 else 0 end) 'Unpacked' ---- left join

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 then 1 else 0 end) 'Packed', count(1) NoComponents

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 and InsuranceComp=1 then 1 else 0 end) PackedInsuredComponent

    from ArtworkComponent ---- from artworkcomponent table

    group by CrateId) comp on ac.CrateId = comp.CrateId ---- group by crateid

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where ac.History = 0 ---- where acc.history field = zero

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----


    union all ---- !!!

    select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + isnull(Title,'') else isnull(Title,'') end Title, ms.Name Location

    , ac.InsuranceComp----case when acins.InsuranceComp > 0 then 1 else 0 end InsuranceComp---case when CrateId is null then ac.InsuranceComp else 0 end InsuranceComp ---- select fields

    , dbo.fn_getComponentDimensionsInString(ac.ComponentId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , cps.ComponentPackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkComponent ac ---- from artworkcomponent table

    LEFT JOIN ComponentPackStatus cps on ac.PackStatus = cps.ComponentPackStatusId

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    ---left join (select ArtworkId, sum(convert(int,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp from ArtworkComponent group by ArtworkId) acins on ac.ArtworkId = acins.ArtworkId

    where (CrateId is null or (CrateId is not null and isnull(PackStatus,0) != 2)) ---- To display allocated but not packed components because they are at the same location as the crate

    and ac.History = 0

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----


    ) CratesAndComp on a.ArtworkId = CratesAndComp.ArtworkId ---- and ac.history field = zero

    INNER JOIN DHCategory dhs on a.DHCategoryId = dhs.DHCategoryId ---- inner join

    INNER JOIN ArtworkStatus ast on a.StatusId = ast.StatusId ---- inner join

    LEFT JOIN Medium m ON a.MediumId = m.MediumId ---- inner join

    LEFT JOIN (select artworkid, sum(EqPounds) TotalCost ---- left join

    from Cost ---- from cost table

    group by ArtworkId) cst on a.ArtworkId = cst.ArtworkId ---- group by artworkid field

    LEFT JOIN (select ArtworkId, max(case when LevelId =1 then Name end) MediumType, max(case when LevelId =4 then Name end) AKA ---- left join

    from Artwork_Category ac ---- from artwork_category table

    join Category c on ac.CategoryId = c.CategoryId ---- join

    group by artworkid) ct on a.ArtworkId = ct.ArtworkId ---- group by

    LEFT JOIN SalesStatus ss on a.ConsignmentStatusId = ss.SalesStatusId ---- left join

    LEFT JOIN (select nstr from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable] (@ExceptTitle,',')) ExceptTitle on CratesAndComp.Title like '%' + case when @ExceptTitle ='' then CratesAndComp.Title else ExceptTitle.nstr end + '%' ---- left join

    WHERE dhs.DHCategoryId in (@DHS) ----

    and ast.Status in (@ArtworkStatus) ----

    and (@Title ='' or CratesAndComp.Title like '%' + @Title + '%') ----

    and (@ExceptTitle = '' or isnull(ExceptTitle.nstr,'0')='0') ----

    and isnull(a.ConsignmentStatusId,-1) in (@SalesStatus) ----

    order by convert(int,a.RefNumber) ---- order by4

    I have broken it into parts and each part individually return reults but just not when combined together. It’s so odd that it works fine in the report, which just embeds the above SQL into the report, it doesn’t call a sproc.

    I have broken it into the follow sections:

    declare @RefNumber varchar

    set @RefNumber = ''

    declare @AuditNote varchar

    set @AuditNote = '2014'

    declare @Loc varchar

    set @Loc = 'welbeck'

    declare @SalesStatus varchar

    declare @Title varchar

    declare @ExceptTitle varchar

    declare @DHS varchar

    declare @ArtworkStatus varchar

    set @SalesStatus = '3,4,5,36,115,116,117,118,119,120'

    set @ArtworkStatus = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11'


    select * from Artwork

    where (

    @RefNumber = ''

    or (RefNumber in (select nstr from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,',')) and charindex(',',@RefNumber) >0)

    or (RefNumber between (select min(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-'))

    and (select max(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-')) and charindex('-',@RefNumber) >0)

    or ( convert(varchar(100),RefNumber)= @RefNumber)



    (select ArtworkId, count(1) HasAuditYear -- display only artworks with note of type audit and description of note = Momart XXXX

    from Note n

    join NoteType nt on n.TypeId = nt.NoteTypeId

    where convert(varchar(100),nt.Name) like '%' + @AuditNote + '%'

    group by ArtworkId)


    select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + isnull(Title,'') else isnull(Title,'') end Title, ms.Name Location

    , ac.InsuranceComp----case when acins.InsuranceComp > 0 then 1 else 0 end InsuranceComp---case when CrateId is null then ac.InsuranceComp else 0 end InsuranceComp ---- select fields

    , dbo.fn_getComponentDimensionsInString(ac.ComponentId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , cps.ComponentPackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkComponent ac ---- from artworkcomponent table

    LEFT JOIN ComponentPackStatus cps on ac.PackStatus = cps.ComponentPackStatusId

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    ---left join (select ArtworkId, sum(convert(int,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp from ArtworkComponent group by ArtworkId) acins on ac.ArtworkId = acins.ArtworkId

    where (CrateId is null or (CrateId is not null and isnull(PackStatus,0) != 2)) ---- To display allocated but not packed components because they are at the same location as the crate

    and ac.History = 0

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----



    select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) else convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) end + '/' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(nocrates,0)) + ' ' + isnull(ac.Title,'') + ' ' + isnull(act.Name,'') Title ---- inner join

    , ms.Name Location, case when NoComponents = Packed or (isnull(Packed,0) <> 0 and comp.PackedInsuredComponent =1) then isnull(comp.InsuranceComp,0) else 0 end InsuranceComp

    , dbo.fn_getCrateDimensionsInString(ac.CrateId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , case when isnull(Packed,0) = 0 then 'Empty' ----

    when NoComponents = Packed then 'Packed' ----

    else 'PartlyPacked' end PackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkCrate ac ----

    left join (select artworkid, count(1) NoCrates ---- join

    from ArtworkCrate ac---- from artworkcrate table

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where History=0

    and StatusId not in (2,3,4)

    group by artworkid) nocrt on ac.artworkid = nocrt.artworkid ---- group by artworkid

    left join ArtworkCrateType act on ac.TypeId = act.CrateTypeId ---- left join

    LEFT JOIN (select CrateId, sum(convert(smallint,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp, sum(case when PackStatus = 1 then 1 else 0 end) 'Unpacked' ---- left join

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 then 1 else 0 end) 'Packed', count(1) NoComponents

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 and InsuranceComp=1 then 1 else 0 end) PackedInsuredComponent

    from ArtworkComponent ---- from artworkcomponent table

    group by CrateId) comp on ac.CrateId = comp.CrateId ---- group by crateid

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where ac.History = 0 ---- where acc.history field = zero

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----



    SELECT a.ArtworkId, a.RefNumber, a.Title ArtworkTitle,

    CratesAndComp.Title, CratesAndComp.PackStatus, CratesAndComp.Location, CratesAndComp.LocationDetail

    , CratesAndComp.Dimensions, Height, [Length], Depth, convert(decimal(25,5),convert(bigint,Height) *convert(bigint,[Length]) * convert(bigint,Depth))/1000000000 Volume

    , isnull(HasAuditYear,0) HasAuditYear

    FROM (select * from Artwork

    where (

    @RefNumber = ''

    or (RefNumber in (select nstr from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,',')) and charindex(',',@RefNumber) >0)

    or (RefNumber between (select min(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-'))

    and (select max(nstr) from [dbo].[fn_iterStinglistToTable](@RefNumber,'-')) and charindex('-',@RefNumber) >0)

    or ( convert(varchar(100),RefNumber)= @RefNumber)


    ) a

    LEFT JOIN (select ArtworkId, count(1) HasAuditYear -- display only artworks with note of type audit and description of note = Momart XXXX

    from Note n

    join NoteType nt on n.TypeId = nt.NoteTypeId

    where convert(varchar(100),nt.Name) like '%' + @AuditNote + '%'

    group by ArtworkId) nt on a.ArtworkId = nt.ArtworkId

    INNER JOIN (select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) else convert(varchar(4),isnull(orderno,'')) end + '/' + convert(varchar(4),isnull(nocrates,0)) + ' ' + isnull(ac.Title,'') + ' ' + isnull(act.Name,'') Title ---- inner join

    , ms.Name Location, case when NoComponents = Packed or (isnull(Packed,0) <> 0 and comp.PackedInsuredComponent =1) then isnull(comp.InsuranceComp,0) else 0 end InsuranceComp

    , dbo.fn_getCrateDimensionsInString(ac.CrateId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , case when isnull(Packed,0) = 0 then 'Empty' ----

    when NoComponents = Packed then 'Packed' ----

    else 'PartlyPacked' end PackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkCrate ac ----

    left join (select artworkid, count(1) NoCrates ---- join

    from ArtworkCrate ac---- from artworkcrate table

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where History=0

    and StatusId not in (2,3,4)

    group by artworkid) nocrt on ac.artworkid = nocrt.artworkid ---- group by artworkid

    left join ArtworkCrateType act on ac.TypeId = act.CrateTypeId ---- left join

    LEFT JOIN (select CrateId, sum(convert(smallint,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp, sum(case when PackStatus = 1 then 1 else 0 end) 'Unpacked' ---- left join

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 then 1 else 0 end) 'Packed', count(1) NoComponents

    , sum(case when PackStatus = 2 and InsuranceComp=1 then 1 else 0 end) PackedInsuredComponent

    from ArtworkComponent ---- from artworkcomponent table

    group by CrateId) comp on ac.CrateId = comp.CrateId ---- group by crateid

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    where ac.History = 0 ---- where acc.history field = zero

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----


    union all ---- !!!

    select ac.ArtworkId, case when ac.StatusId in (2,3, 4) then 'Archive - ' + isnull(Title,'') else isnull(Title,'') end Title, ms.Name Location

    , ac.InsuranceComp----case when acins.InsuranceComp > 0 then 1 else 0 end InsuranceComp---case when CrateId is null then ac.InsuranceComp else 0 end InsuranceComp ---- select fields

    , dbo.fn_getComponentDimensionsInString(ac.ComponentId, ',') Dimensions, ac.Height, ac.[Length], ac.Depth

    , cps.ComponentPackStatus, ac.LocationDetail

    from ArtworkComponent ac ---- from artworkcomponent table

    LEFT JOIN ComponentPackStatus cps on ac.PackStatus = cps.ComponentPackStatusId

    LEFT JOIN MovementSite ms on ac.LocationId = ms.MovementSiteId ---- left join

    ---left join (select ArtworkId, sum(convert(int,isnull(InsuranceComp,0))) InsuranceComp from ArtworkComponent group by ArtworkId) acins on ac.ArtworkId = acins.ArtworkId

    where (CrateId is null or (CrateId is not null and isnull(PackStatus,0) != 2)) ---- To display allocated but not packed components because they are at the same location as the crate

    and ac.History = 0

    and (

    (@Loc = '' or case when CHARINDEX('/', ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%' + @Loc + '%') ----


    (@Loc = 'Chalford' and case when CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name) = 0 then ms.Name else substring(ms.Name,1,CHARINDEX('/',ms.Name)-1) end like '%Unit 21%') ----


    ) CratesAndComp on a.ArtworkId = CratesAndComp.ArtworkId ---- and ac.history field = zero

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,


  • Breaking up the query changed results. For example, the predicate

    nt on a.ArtworkId = nt.ArtworkId

    was not tested.

    And to be sure that T-SQL is what SSRS is running, it would be best to trace or collect an extended event.

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