User sql accounts

  • Not using AD authentication, how do I determine if a user has changed their password

    from initial without attempting to logon as them ? Normally I'd look at master.sys.sql_logins and check the modify_date, but this is not exposed to me in Azure...


  • What version of SQL Azure are you on? I was able to use this just fine: SELECT * FROM master.sys.sql_logins

    I also know that SQL Azure doesn't like switching database contexts. If you're logged onto the server using a connection string that specifies a database that isn't master, then it will throw an error like this:

    Msg 40515, Level 15, State 1, Line 16

    Reference to database and/or server name in 'master.sys.sql_logins' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.

  • We're in 2012 Azure... From SSMS the selection is greyed out..

  • Guess the query works fine if you don't let SSMS do it for you...

  • That sounds kinda terrible. Just for reference, I was able to see the sys.sql_logins view(not greyed out) from SSMS 2014 and I was able to right+click and SELECT TOP 1000. Not sure if that's what you were looking to do, but thought I might at least throw that out there in case there's something you can do to get it to work again.

    Anyways, glad you got it figured out!

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