Replicate Excel's date difference for each record in SQL

  • Hello,

    I have got data table as below and I am struggling to get the date difference what Excel can do easily when done manually.

    The refID are unique for each duplicate email and several dates exist for them. (there could be more than 2 records for each email)

    I want to show in one record for each Email both min and max dates and difference in days.

    I don't know if I have to use pivot table or not.

    Any ideas will help.

    Thank you in advance,


    create table trial_contacts

    ( refId int

    , refEmail varchar(100)

    , LastContactDate datetime


    insert into trial_contacts

    select 100, '', '13/06/2014' union all

    select 210, '', '23/05/2016' union all

    select 250, '', '11/01/2014' union all

    select 270, '', '18/06/2015' union all

    select 295, '', '25/01/2016' union all

    select 350, '', '03/02/2012' union all

    select 390, '', '07/08/2015'

  • Should be relatively straight forward.

    SELECT refEmail, MAX(LastContactDate), MIN(LastContactDate), DATEDIFF(day, MAX(LastContactDate), MIN(LastContactDate)) FROm trial_contacts GROUP BY refEmail

  • ZZartin,

    Wow. so simple yet elegant.

    It didn't occur to me to use min and max within the dateDiff function directly.

    I was going completely off the tangent using two temp tables, etc.

    thank you so much.


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