Last page contains only footer, no details

  • I have developed a report using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013, version 12.0.21005.1 REL. This report has a detail section, a Row Group that includes group heading rows, a column heading row, and a group total row. The report also has a Page Footer that includes some text, some horizontal lines, and the built-in fields "Execution Time", "Page Number", and "Total Pages". There is no Page Header (since this information is included in the Row Group heading rows and each group will fit onto a single page). The detail section contains a single dataset with a query that prepares a small number of CTEs which are joined to become a single resulting table. The report contains parameters that are included in the query.

    When the report is previewed, there is an extra last page that contains only the Page Footer and no detail data. The "Total Pages" shown on the Page Footer of every page has this extra page's "Page Number".

    The properties of the Page Footer includes "PrintOnLastPage" = False. The properties of the Report includes "ConsumeContainierWhitespace" = True. The properties of the Row Group includes "BreakLocation" = Between, "Disabled" = False, and "ResetPageNumber" = False. I have tried all of the possible "BreakLocation" values and all of them (except for "None") still produce the extra last page. ("None" results in everything on a single huge page which is not desired.)

    If anyone has corrected a problem such as this before, I would appreciate reading your response. Thank you.

  • This is more likely that you have some white space under your final item in your report, which SSRS "can't fit" on the same page because the item above is too large. if you do have white space, bring the bottom of your report up so that it is inline with the final item on your report and that should eliminate the extra page.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hi Thom,

    I appreciate your response. I found that although the report when viewed within Microsoft Visual Studio shows an extra blank page at the end, when I exported that report to a .pdf file, the extra blank page was gone and the "Total Pages" value on each page no longer was one too great. So, I will close this issue. Thank you.

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