upgrading sql 2012 to sql 2014 on 2 node active/passive cluster on windows server 2012 standard

  • Anybody got any good documentation on how to do this and things to look for? This will be an in place upgrade, we don't have the resources to do a side by side upgrade. Appreciate the help.

  • Here is a start from memory and not documented - At a high level, for an in-place upgrade, you would place the 2014 sql server software on all nodes as well as the most current service packs and cu(s) if you are wanting to be on the latest level of 2014 assuming you already know what level of 2014 you are planning on migrating to. Prior to upgrade time, perform a full backup of all databases in the 2012 version keeping in mind you cannot fail back to 2012 once you go to 2014 without a total rebuild of the cluster. Perform the upgrade to 2014 + SP + any cu(s) on the passive node first by running setup and choosing the upgrade to 2014 option. Once the passive node is upgraded, you would failover the instances to it which would upgrade the instance(s) upon failover. Then, you would perform the exact same steps you took on the passive node to the active one. There will be several reboots occurring between some of the upgrade steps, like after the sp is applied. Here is a MS link which describes what I have mentioned - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191295(v=sql.120).aspx.

  • thanks for the information.

  • "At first read the system requirement and compatibility for SQL Server 2014 and check whether your current server configuration meets the requirement or not.

    Before upgrading the SQL Server, please take entire/full back up of the current Active/Passive Cluster instance(s) and then try to update one of the instances and then go for another.

    Please see the below link for more clear understanding


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