Data compare between two tables in different databases

  • Okay so I am having trouble figuring out how to handle data compare in SSIS.

    I have two tables in two separate databases on the same server that have matching data, one is used for a vendor app, the other is used for an in house application. The database that is the backend for the in house application is updated daily. These tables store data for when a user terminates employment.

    What I need to do is a daily compare to see what new termination dates came through over night. So my SSIS package goes out, does a table compare using an except statement. Finds the count, if the count is >0 then proceed.

    The next step is to grab all of the new terminations and place them in a flat file for the HR department. This is where I am having trouble, how do I get SSIS to compare two tables based on the Employee ID and the Termination Date. I wrote a script using temp tables that works until I try to run it as a SQL task. It doesn't like the fact that the table isn't created.. Should I just create a table that exists out there all the time and truncate each time the job is run? Or will an SSIS merge join actually do the trick? If merge join is the best way, can someone please explain how to use it or provide some info on how to use it?

    Here is the code that works to pull back the newly terminated users.

    CREATE TABLE #temp (LastName varchar(300),

    FirstName varchar(300),

    TermDate datetime,

    EmpNumber varchar(100),

    Division varchar(300) NULL,

    Supervisor varchar(500) NULL,

    WhenTerm varchar(500) NULL


    INSERT INTO #temp

    SELECT LastName, FirstName, TermDate, EmpNumber, NULL, NULL, NULL

    -- The null null null is added as a place holder until the update statements execute.

    FROM Database_B.dbo.EmpTerms_Input -- Updated nightly

    WHERE TermDate is NOT NULL


    SELECT LastName, FirstName, TermDate, EmpNumber, NULL, NULL, NULL

    FROM Database_A.dbo.EmpTerms

    WHERE TermDate is NOT NULL

    UPDATE #temp

    SET Division = (SELECT e.Division FROM Database_B.dbo.EmpTerms_Input e WHERE #Table_1.EmpNumber = e.EmpNumber)

    UPDATE #temp

    SET Supervisor = (SELECT e.Supervisor FROM Database_B.dbo.EmpTerms_Input e WHERE #Table_1.EmpNumber = e.EmpNumber)

    UPDATE #temp

    SET WhenTerm = CASE

    WHEN TermDate <= (GETDATE()) THEN 'Term Immediately'

    WHEN TermDate <= (GETDATE() + 7) THEN 'Term As of Term Date'

    ELSE 'Contact Human Resources'


    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp


  • Should I just create a table that exists out there all the time and truncate each time the job is run?

    Yes, that an easy and robust way.

    Or will an SSIS merge join actually do the trick?

    As a general rule, joins in SSIS are slower than joins in SQL, so I would advise against this.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil,

    Thank you very much for the advice, I used SQL queries in my SSIS package instead of a merge join and created a static table to be truncated each morning.

    Thanks again!

  • cstg85 (6/17/2016)


    Thank you very much for the advice, I used SQL queries in my SSIS package instead of a merge join and created a static table to be truncated each morning.

    Thanks again!

    No problem. Sounds like you've got this nailed, well done.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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