Get results from yesterday if datetime betwen 00:00:00 and 06:00:00

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure how to implement this, I have a Sybase DB 15.4 but I guess if I found the logic in SQL I will figure out it in Sybase,

    What I need to get its the following:

    I have a table with tickets lets say just 3 columns

    Ticket number = int

    TicketDate = DATETIME ( But just have the date)

    TicketTime = VARCHAR(8) Just have the time in 00:00:00

    This is a query so I cannot use parameters,

    So when the user run the query if the user it's running the query between 00:00:00

    and 06:00:00 then I need to get the results of Yesterday of the tickets with the column TicketDate

    Something like Select Ticketnumber, TicketDate, TicketTime

    From ticket

    WHERE CASE TicketTime WHEN TicketTime BETWEEN


    SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(8)),1,4) + 0x00600000 AS DATETIME) THEN TicketDate = GETDATE() or current_date() ELSE

    TicketDate = (Dateadd(dd, -1, GETDATE())

    But the CASE Will not work in the Where Clause, Any Ideas?



  • I thought in something like this:

    select * from tickets

    where a.time >= CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(8)),1,4) + 0x00000000 AS DATETIME and a.TIME <= CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(8)),1,4) + 0x00000000 AS DATETIME

    AND a.DATE = Current_Date() OR a.TIME >= CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(8)),1,4) + 0x00000000 AS DATETIME and a.TIME <= CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(8)),1,4) + 0x00000000 AS DATETIME and a.DATE = Current_Date() -1

    Not sure if this could work..

  • There are a few contradictions in your question, I think. Do you want the query execution time or the tables ticket time to determine the ticketdate to select?

    Either way, try these two:

    select *

    from tickets

    where ticketdate = case when datepart(hour,getdate()) between 0 AND 6 then cast(datediff(d,0,dateadd(d,-1,getdate())) as datetime) else cast(datediff(d,0,getdate()) as datetime) end


    select *

    from tickets

    where ticketdate = case when left(ticketTime,2) between '00' AND '06' then cast(datediff(d,0,dateadd(d,-1,getdate())) as datetime) else cast(datediff(d,0,getdate()) as datetime) end

    There is a second contradiction between your text and your example query. The text says that you want the previous day if the time is between 00:00:00 and 06:00:00, your query does it the other way around. I have chosen to believe in your text more than in your example query. 😉

  • You don't need CASE statements.

    select *

    from tickets

    where ticketdate = CAST(DATEADD(HOUR, -6, GETDATE()) AS DATE)

    If you have a range that you are trying to fit into another range of the same size, you can chop up the first range and rearrange the parts so that they fit, or you can adjust the whole range so that they fit. Generally the second approach is simpler, but most people take the first approach, because they assume that they shouldn't move the piece that already overlaps.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (6/22/2016)

    You don't need CASE statements.

    select *

    from tickets

    where ticketdate = CAST(DATEADD(HOUR, -6, GETDATE()) AS DATE)

    If you have a range that you are trying to fit into another range of the same size, you can chop up the first range and rearrange the parts so that they fit, or you can adjust the whole range so that they fit. Generally the second approach is simpler, but most people take the first approach, because they assume that they shouldn't move the piece that already overlaps.


    Yes, I see your point. That is definitely more elegant.

    I don't know if the OP's Sybase database supports the DATE data type. If it only supports the old DATETIME data type, you'd need to cut off the time part, which you can do with DATEDIFF:

    select *

    from tickets

    where ticketdate = CAST(DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DATEADD(HOUR, -6, GETDATE())) AS DATETIME)

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