DATE issues with IE and FF

  • I do have SSRS report which works fine in IE and show date parameter as 03/01/2016 as Start date and 06/01/2016 as End Date. But When I open the same report in FF it shows me 03/Jan/2016 as Start Date and 06/Jan/2016 as End Date.

    This dates I have kept it as 3 months range.

    How to resolve this? Please help.

  • I assume you're talking about the display at the top of the page, where you select your dates, and other parameters? If so, this isn't a problem with SSRS, it's your Firefox language settings. Firefox will use whatever the installed language pack's setting is for displaying dates. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, uses your Windows Language settings.

    For example, on mine I have British English, so dates are displayed in dd/MM/yyyy format. If I were to install the US Language Pack and default to that, it would display in MM/dd/yyyy format.

    The report will still work fine, just the Date Box is displaying the field differently.


    Rereading your post, this does imply to me that your date parameter set up is wrong. Are you using a date/time type parameter? If Firefox is returning 03/Jan, I'm pretty certain that the date in your field really is 03 January, not 01 March. If you're using a Text parameter type for the date, I would strongly suggest changing.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • yes I am using still date/time parameter. in 2 out of 3 laptop is show date like 6/1/2016 and in one laptop it shows 6/JAN/2016.

  • Learner44 (6/1/2016)

    yes I am using still date/time parameter. in 2 out of 3 laptop is show date like 6/1/2016 and in one laptop it shows 6/JAN/2016.

    So, is 6/1/2016 June 1, 2016 or January 6, 2016? With no context I have no idea. Looks like a regional setting. I don't use FF, so I can only go with what a previous poster suggested regarding FF.

  • yes, it looks like regional settings into browser itself.

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