Reference matrix field.value

  • Hi I have a simple matrix with 1 row group and 1 column group

    A B C

    Jan 1 2 3

    Feb 2 3 4

    Mar 3 4 5

    How can I reference row 2 (Feb) column 2 (B) value (3) to a textbox?

    Can anyone please help?

  • I'm afraid I don't really understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some detail on what your sample data looks like and the end result.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I'll try to explain.

    when you want to get a value from a textbox1 into textbox2 you type in something like reportitems!textbox1.value into the textbox2 expression. which will result in grabbing the value from textbox1 and putting it into textbox2.

    but if you want to get a value from a matrix you cant just type in reportitems!textbox1.value cause that textbox expands into several fields when you run the report.

    I have a matrix like this. And I want to get the value from this matrix from a specific field and put it into another textbox.

    For example if I would like to reference the field B/May how would i do it? how can I grab the value from that field and put it into another textbox?

    thanks for the reply

  • Check out the inscope function

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