Cannot import date values in Sharepoint list

  • I'm using SharePoint 2013 and SSIS-Sql server 2008 r2. Excel is a data source and Sharepoint list is the destination.I have simple transformations and the data is copied to List. I can see all column values except Date values, these columns are blank in sharepoint list. I tried single text and Date type in SharePoint list but still i cannot see date values in the list.

  • I've had similar experiences with Excel. SQL Server doesn't always like the dates used by Excel. My solution has been to import the Excel spreadsheet into a staging table, letting SQL Server determine what the columns should be created as. Then take that data, check the columns that hold date/time values for accuracy, and import it into the real table.


  • Okay, not sure if this is the right way to do but i tried this.

    Step 1: Created a table in Sql Server

    Step 2: Created a data flow task - with excel file as source and Oledb as destination. this transferred all rows in newly created Sql table

    Step 3: Created a second data flow task with OleDB source and Share Point list as destination.

    Package executed fine but i still dint see the date values in SharePoint list.

  • I changed the format of the date field in excel to yyyy-mm-dd and this helped in resolving the issue. 🙂

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