Error in Creating Report Subscription Report Manager Native

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to create a Subscription to download the report in pdf format for a report in the report manager which is in native mode, whenever I try to add a subscription it is throwing me an error "

    Subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, or if a linked report, the link is no longer valid. ". I also tried to modify my data sources by trying to store the credentials, but it is giving a login failed error.

    The report is fetching data from "MyDatabase" which has been newly created. It seems like I need to add my login credentials for this new database. I even tried to create a user with my Username i.e. MyDomain/MyUsername, but I was not able to create that as it is throwing a error that a user for this login name already exists, so when I checked I found this as a user dbo has already been created with the same login name.

    Can anyone please suggest the process to resolve this issue?

    Thanks in Advance !!

  • When entering the credentials, are you using a Windows Login? If so, you'll need to ensure that you tick the box that states you're using that (See screen below from SSRS 2012, but same concept applies). Also, ensure that the credentials you're using have access to login into SQL server and access the data you require.

    If you want to use different credentials I'd suggest creating a SQL Authentication login (you won't need to tick the box above then), and use those credentials.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks Thom ! I was following the same approach. I got the issue for the username since it has a alpha numeric character and number I was using the lower case letter instead of upper case. I am able to establish the connection now.

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