Is COLLATE able to sort for line break characters?

  • Hi,

    I was working with some address data and came across a few Zip Code entries that were proceeded with a carriage return and line feed. I attempted to remedy this using collation, but I was unable to find a form that would catch line breaks. I did find a fix that would remove the line break characters (replace(replace(ZipCode,char(10),''),char(13),'')), but I'm curious as to whether or not COLLATE would be able to do the same.



  • There are four options associated with (non-binary) collations

  • case sensitivity
  • accent sensitivity
  • kana sensitivity
  • width sensitivity
  • To the best of my knowledge, carriage return and line feed do not have alternate representations that differ on any of these options, so they will be unaffected by changes in the collation.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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