Full Text Search

  • Hi All,

    We recently enabled Full text search in SQL server 2014.

    We have an address table with AddressName column. Full text enabled on AddressName.

    AddressName sample data : 1234 N Main St Chicago IL 60001-2233

    When we search for 1234 N Main without quotes, it takes approximately 20 seconds.

    When we search for "1234 N Main" with quotes, it returns in 1 second.

    Not only above address any address that contains N at any place in search takes above 20 seconds.

    When I search for 1234 S Main without quotes, it also returns 1234 N Main and executes in less than 1 sec.

    Is N is used for any internal purpose in FullText ?

  • There's the old joke, "guy goes to the doctor and says, 'Doc, it hurts when I do this...' so the doctor says, 'don't do that'."

    I digress, can you post the execution plan for both queries?

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • The execution plan is same for all searches.

    I created a table with one row.

    create table dbo.Addr


    AddressID int identity primary key,

    AddressLine varchar(100)


    insert into dbo.Addr values ('123 W Main St APT 666')

    Fulltext index enabled on table. Then looking for fulltext index keywords.

    SELECT display_term, column_id, document_count

    FROM sys.dm_fts_index_keywords(DB_ID('FTDB'), OBJECT_ID('Addr'))

    The data looks like below. (Note: W is a stopword. so there is no keyword for W)










    surprisingly when i search for n*, i am getting the address which do not have n*.

    select a.*

    from Addr a

    join (

    SELECT a.[Key] AS AddressID

    FROM ContainsTable([Addr], (AddressLine), '"n*"') a

    ) z on a.AddressID = z.AddressID


    why these nn rows are created internally ?

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