Automate data script generation.

  • How do I automate a process which will

    a) select all tables from my database. some tables have auto identity columns.

    b) generate insert script that will turn on/off identities and save that script in a particular location.

    I'd greatly appreciate if someone has any links or hints to get this.


  • ishaan99 (4/25/2016)

    How do I automate a process which will

    a) select all tables from my database. some tables have auto identity columns.

    b) generate insert script that will turn on/off identities and save that script in a particular location.

    I'd greatly appreciate if someone has any links or hints to get this.


    Why would you do this instead of creating a proper backup?

    What you're asking is not that difficult, but it makes no sense.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • backup and restore would be my first choice too, unless you can come up with a decent reason to avoid it.

    if you are really going to script it out,

    there's also performance to consider; how many rows are you talking about;

    I've seen scripts of INSERT...VALUES or INSERT ...SELECT bog down at 40K rows in SSMS.

    if you are exporting anything more than a few lookup tables, i'd script out bcp out raw and bcp in raw to handle that kind of logic.

    if you really want to script it, my modified version of Narayana Vyas Kondreddi's export procedure, which does handle the identity_insert commands very nicely,

    will do the job: instead of PRINTing the commands, my version stuffs them into table and SELECT's all the commands together.


    * edit: i guess his old tripod site is kaput. i just checked his link after posting.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Theres dependency on DBA team to get the database restored to point of time recovery. Turnaround time could be slow , as a result I m looking for alternate way of getting the data restored. Currently I just use SSMS to generate data script of all tables in that database as that creates the identity on/off script too. But this being a manual process want to see if the same can be automated. TIA

  • ishaan99 (4/26/2016)

    Theres dependency on DBA team to get the database restored to point of time recovery. Turnaround time could be slow , as a result I m looking for alternate way of getting the data restored. Currently I just use SSMS to generate data script of all tables in that database as that creates the identity on/off script too. But this being a manual process want to see if the same can be automated. TIA

    That's why we have the full recovery model. It's secure and it gives you point in time restore without working on new solutions.

    There's plenty of information about how to implement a DR plan with integrated tools. If you want something different, you could check different backup and restore tools made for SQL Server, but they'll cost money.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • It's really, really easy to script out a backup and restore,and with just a bit of tweaking and testing, make it fully automated.

    For example, I have a job that restores a production database to the test server once a month, and can kick it off on demand when the need arises for data to be refreshed a bit earlier.

    you make sure a share exists so your test server can find the backup, and script out both steps.

    here's a crappy example, i would create a job that runs this on production's server

    BACKUP DATABASE [TheProductionDatabase]

    TO DISK = N'W:\SQLBackup\TheProductionDatabase_MonthEnd.bak'




    NAME = N'TheProductionDatabase-Full Database Backup',





    STATS = 10

    and then on the test server, something similar;

    RESTORE DATABASE [UserAnalysis]

    FROM DISK = N'\\TheProductionServer\sqlbackup\TheProductionDatabase_MonthEnd.bak'

    WITH FILE = 1,

    MOVE N'TheProductionDatabase' TO N'D:\SQLData\UserAnalysis.mdf',

    MOVE N'TheProductionDatabase_log' TO N'L:\SQLLogs\UserAnalysis_1.ldf',




    STATS = 5


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Below script will generate the Insert script for all table from one particular db..


    declare @TableName varchar(50)

    declare tblcur CURSOR FOR


    open tblcur

    Fetch from tblcur

    into @TableName

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    /* This script will generate script to insert/update from a source table in one database to an

    identical destination table in another database or server. It can be run for inserts or updates,

    and can be run for a single row in insert and update mode, or all rows in a table for insert mode.


    declare @tab varchar(50)

    ,@pk1Val varChar(10)

    ,@pk1Name varChar(50)

    ,@qt char(1)

    ,@StatementType varChar(10)

    ,@sql varchar(max)

    set nocount on

    set @tab = @TableName



    1) open script and connect to the source database

    2) Change the variable values to change the output options for the script below (@tab, @statementtype etc)

    3) execute the script (best to use text output)

    4) copy the script output into a script window, and run on the destination table.

    @tab = the name of the source table

    @pk1Val = if selecting a single row or doing an update statement, the value of the primary key for that row

    @pk1Name = if inserting a single row or doing an update statement, the name of the column for the primary key

    @StatementType = either 'INSERT' to create an insert statement or 'UPDATE' for an Update statement



    @pk1Val = '', @pk1Name = '', @StatementType = 'insert'

    declare @tabName varchar(50)

    , @colName varchar(50)

    , @colType varchar(50)

    , @collength varChar(50)

    , @colOrder int

    , @IsIdent char(1)

    create table #output (Line varChar(4000), LineOrder int)

    create table #ColumnValues (ColName varChar(250), ColOrder int, RowNumber int, ColValue varchar(4000), colType varchar(50))

    declare @out varchar(4000)

    ,@lineCounter int

    ,@ColValue varchar(4000)

    ,@sortCol varchar(50)

    /* get the ordering column */

    select @sortCol = sc.Name

    from sysobjects so

    inner join syscolumns sc


    inner join systypes st

    on sc.xtype = st.xusertype

    where so.Name = @tab

    and ((sc.status = 0x80) OR (ColOrder = 1 and not sc.status = 0x80 ))

    /* put in the repeating values based on the columns*/

    declare objCurs CURSOR FOR

    select,,, sc.length, Case when sc.status = 0x80 then 'Y' else 'N' END as IsIdent, ColOrder

    from sysobjects so

    inner join syscolumns sc


    inner join systypes st

    on sc.xtype = st.xusertype

    where so.Name = @tab

    DECLARE @counter int, @numCols int, @RowNumber int, @LastRowNumber int, @maxRowNumber int, @maxColOrder int

    select @numCols = count(

    from sysobjects so

    inner join syscolumns sc


    where so.Name = @tab

    --select @numCols --debug code

    open objCurs

    Fetch from objCurs

    into @tabname, @colName, @colType, @colLength, @isIdent, @colOrder

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    SET @counter = 0

    /* get the value from the table */

    if @IsIdent = 'N'


    --select @TabName,@ColName, @ColType, @ColLEngth, @isIdent, @ColOrder --debug code

    /* increase better type handling by inserting more case statments, handling different data types */

    if datalength(@pk1Name) = 0 or datalength(@pk1Val) = 0


    /* getting all rows in the table */

    exec ('insert into #ColumnValues (ColName, ColOrder, ColValue, ColType)

    select ''' + @colName + ''', ' + @ColOrder + ', Convert(nvarchar(4000),' + @colName + ') , ''' + @colType + ''' from ' + @tabName + ' order by ' + @SortCol + ' ' +

    ' declare @counter int set @counter = 0 ' +

    ' update #ColumnValues Set @Counter = RowNumber = @Counter + (' + @numCols + ' * 10) where ColName = ''' + @colName + '''' )




    /* filtering by a pk val */

    exec ('insert into #ColumnValues (RowNumber, ColName, ColORder, ColValue, ColType)

    select 0, ''' + @colName + ''', ' + @ColOrder + ', Convert(nvarchar(4000),' + @colName + ') , ''' + @colType + ''' from ' + @tabName +

    ' where ' + @pk1Name + ' = ' + @pk1Val)


    end /* if @isIdent = 'n' */

    Fetch Next from objCurs

    into @tabname, @colName, @colType, @colLength, @IsIdent, @ColOrder


    --select * from #ColumnValues --debug code

    select @MaxRowNumber = Max(rowNumber) from #columnValues --keep highest row number so we know when we are finished

    select @MaxColOrder = max(ColOrder) from #ColumnValues where RowNumber = @MaxRowNumber

    /* next cursor for outputting the results from the retval table into the output table */

    declare ColVal_Curs cursor for

    select ColName , ColOrder , RowNumber , ColValue , colType

    from #ColumnValues

    order by RowNumber, ColOrder

    open ColVal_Curs

    --set the last row number to the first in the table, so post loop checking works

    select @lastRowNumber = min(rowNumber) from #ColumnValues

    set @lineCounter = @LastRowNumber --initialise at the first row

    fetch from ColVal_Curs into

    @colName, @ColOrder, @RowNumber, @colValue, @ColType

    while @@Fetch_status = 0

    BEGIN /* cursor loop */

    /* get the quote type to enclose the value from the column type */

    select @QT = case @colType

    when 'nvarchar' then ''''

    when 'varchar' then ''''

    when 'nchar' then ''''

    when 'DateTime' then ''''

    when 'ntext' then ''''

    when 'char' then ''''

    else ''


    --select @linecounter, @colName, @ColOrder, @RowNumber, @colValue, @ColType

    if not @ColValue is null

    if @rowNumber = @lineCounter

    select @out = case @statementType

    when 'UPDATE' THEN 'Update ' + @tab + ' SET '

    when 'INSERT' then 'INSERT INTO ' + @tab + ' ('



    if @StatementType = 'UPDATE'


    select @Out = @out + @colName + ' = ' + @QT + COALESCE(@ColValue, 'NULL') + @QT + ',' -- + @ColType

    --select @Out = @out + @colName + ' = ' + @QT + @colName + @QT + ',' -- + @ColType

    insert into #output (Line, LineOrder)

    values (@out, @lineCounter)


    if @statementType = 'INSERT'


    /* put comma in */

    if @lineCounter > @RowNumber --not first line in set of values for row

    select @out = @out + ','

    /*put in the name of the column */

    insert into #output (Line, LineOrder)

    values (@out + @colName

    , @lineCounter)

    if @lineCounter > @RowNumber --not first line in set of values for row

    select @out = ','


    select @out = ''

    /* put in the value of the column */

    insert into #output (Line, LineOrder)

    values (@out + @QT + COALESCE(@ColValue, 'NULL') + @QT

    , @lineCounter + 10 + @numCols)


    end /*not @ColValue is null */

    select @lineCounter = @lineCounter + 1

    set @out = ''

    /* get the next record*/

    fetch from ColVal_Curs into

    @colName, @ColOrder, @RowNumber, @colValue, @ColType

    --select @ColOrder, @MaxColOrder, @@Fetch_Status --debug code

    if (@rowNumber > @lastRowNumber) or (@RowNumber = @MaxRowNumber and @MaxColOrder = @ColOrder and @@FEtch_Status = -1)


    /* this bit of processing is done whenever the set of columsn in a row changes to the next row of the original table*/

    /* ie we are building a record to insert, and the PK changes because we are at the next record */

    /* remove the last comma from the last line */

    declare @lastLine int

    if @statementType = 'UPDATE'


    /*remove last comma*/

    update #output

    set Line = left(Line,datalength(Line)-1)

    where lineOrder = @LineCounter

    /* insert a 'where' clause */

    insert into #output (line, LineOrder)

    select ' WHERE ' + @pk1Name + ' = ' + @pk1Val, Max(LineOrder) + 1 from #output


    if @statementType = 'INSERT'


    /* put in a 'values' statement between the column names and the column values */

    insert into #output (Line, LineOrder)

    values (') VALUES (', @LastRowNumber + @numCols + 5)

    /* close off the lot */

    insert into #output (line, lineorder)

    select ')', Max(LineOrder) + 1 from #output


    set @lastRowNumber = @RowNumber

    set @lineCounter = @RowNumber /* reset linecounter for next set */

    End /* if rownumber > last row number */

    end /* cursor loop */

    close objCurs

    deallocate objCurs

    close ColVal_Curs

    deallocate ColVal_Curs

    /* get the statements out from the list*/

    set @sql = 'select line as [Script], lineorder into master.dbo.' + @tab +'_Script from #output order by lineorder'

    --print @sql

    exec (@sql)

    set @sql =''

    set @TableName =''

    /* bug tracking code - uncomment to diagnose problems

    select distinct RowNumber from #ColumnValues order by 1

    select * from #ColumnValues

    order by RowNumber, ColOrder, ColName, ColValue


    drop table #output

    drop table #ColumnValues

    set nocount off

    Fetch Next from tblcur

    into @tablename

    set @tab = @TableName


    close tblcur

    deallocate tblcur

    --select 'select Replace(script,''DUMMY_'','''') from '+ table_name +' order by lineorder asc' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_TYPE ='base table' and table_name like 'dummy%'

    --select 'drop table '+ table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_TYPE ='base table' and table_name like 'dummy%'

    --select 'SELECT ''UPDATE '+ TABLE_NAME +' SET SCRIPT =END if not exists(select ''''x'''' from '+ TABLE_NAME +' WHERE '' +(SELECT TOP 1 substring(script, CHARINDEX(''('', script, 0)+1,len(script)) from ' + TABLE_NAME +' WHERE script like ''insert%'') +''= -1) BEGIN '''


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