Fix SSIS warning messages

  • Dear Forum

    I am trying to cure the warnings (yellow triangles) in my SSIS package. I am having problems fixing the warning “The output column “MyColumn” is not subsequently used in the data flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase performance”.

    My Data Source is a Flat File Source CSV file. My data flow uses a Derived Column transform to concatenate some of the columns to write to a SQL Server database table, after which the original columns from the Flat File are not needed.

    How can I avoid the warning? As far as I can see, the Flat File Source returns all columns, but I don’t need them after I produce the derived column. Note the CSV file is externally provided and I can’t change its format.

  • Can you see the 'Columns' option to the left on your data source? If so that's where you select the columns you want to pull into the data flow.

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