Modify a dtsConfig file using Powershell

  • Hello SSC,

    The objective here is to dynamically update all dtsconfig files for deployment on three tier architecture (dev, UAT, prod), to make deployment easier and more efficient. We have several SSIS packages which have individual config files per package (OH NO!).

    My idea is to modify the elements in the dtsconfig to eventually accept ServerName and DB parameters from SSIS variables. I then want to pass those variables into a PS script to modify all config files in a specified directory. For now, I just want to see if I can actually make this work in one config file with hard-coded values.

    The following script runs successfully but the dtsconfig file does not accept any of my changes. What am I doing wrong? :unsure:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    # Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

    ls C:\.dtsConfig | foreach {

    $file = $_."C:\*.dtsConfig"

    $xml = [xml](Get-Content $file)

    $UpdateStr = "kjdfhgkjdfhgkdjfhg"

    @($xml.SelectNodes('//GeneratedBy')) | %{

    $_.'#text'=($_.'#text' -replace '_\d+',$UpdateStr)




    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

  • I am not sure what you mean by "dtsconfig file does not accept any of my changes" but I would first look at the type and value of $file. Let us know!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Provide a sample configuration file so we can see the structure of your XML to what node you are trying to modify.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Ok here is the dtsconfig file. I am trying to gain the ability to update the server name and database name.

    My idea is to pass Servername and DB name variables from SSIS into this Powershell script, which will the then update the XML file.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>



    <DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="NA\EddieVH" GeneratedFromPackageName="FEED_MAIN" GeneratedFromPackageID="{E80FF572-65D9-49D3-9B19-B99999999}" GeneratedDate="4/8/2016 11:28:25 AM"/>


    <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Connections[EDDIEVH.DataBaseNAME].Properties[InitialCatalog]" ValueType="String"><ConfiguredValue_>DataBaseNAME</ConfiguredValue_>


    <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Connections[EDDIEVH.DataBaseNAME].Properties[ServerName]" ValueType="String"><ConfiguredValue_>EDDIEVH</ConfiguredValue_>


    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

  • Take a look at this script:

    Manipulating SSIS Packages using PowerShell


    The above script utilizes XQuery in PowerShell so it can be more readable and offer more flexibility.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Thank you for your response, but the link is not working.

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

  • Ok, I got it. This is how it's done.

    I want to thank everyone for trying to help me out. SSC FTW!!!!

    $ServerName = "MilanoMosh"

    $ConfigFile = "C:\MyFile.dtsConfig"

    function Edit-XmlNodes {

    param (

    [xml] $doc = $(throw "doc is a required parameter"),

    [string] $xpath = $(throw "xpath is a required parameter"),

    [string] $value = $(throw "value is a required parameter"),

    [bool] $condition = $true


    if ($condition -eq $true) {

    $nodes = $doc.SelectNodes($xpath)

    foreach ($node in $nodes) {

    if ($node -ne $null) {

    if ($node.NodeType -eq "Element") {

    $node.InnerXml = $value


    else {

    $node.Value = $value






    $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigFile)

    # <file><foo attribute="bar" attribute2="bar" attribute3="bar" /></file>

    Edit-XmlNodes $xml -xpath "/DTSConfiguration/Configuration/ConfiguredValue " -value $ServerName


    # <file><foo attribute="new value" attribute2="bar" attribute3="bar" /></file>

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

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