Sum records

  • Hi guys,

    I’m trying to write a query that will summarize cost and price by invoice and sequence number. I have details table and I need to roll details into 1 summary record. I simply can’t sum it because units purchased and units sold must be calculated separatly See example below. Your help is greatly appreciated. I have SQL 2014

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempDetails'))is not null

    DROP TABLE #TempDetails

    CREATE TABLE #TempDetails


    PK BIGINT, loadORdelivery VARCHAR(5),InvoiceNumber BIGINT, Units INT, SystemCost NUMERIC(18,4), SystemPrice NUMERIC(18,4),idp_serial INT


    INSERT INTO #TempDetails

    SELECT 1,'L',1000, 10, 10.01,0, 50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'D',1000, 11, 0,12.02, 50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,'L',1000, 20, 7.23,0, 51 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,'D',1000, 21, 0,6.42, 51 UNION ALL

    SELECT 5,'L',1001,10, 1.01,0, 52 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6,'D',1001,11, 0,1.09, 52 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7,'L',1001,12, 3.33,0, 53 UNION ALL

    SELECT 8,'D',1001,13, 0,3.10, 53 UNION ALL

    SELECT 9,'L',1001,30, 4.00,0, 54 UNION ALL

    SELECT 10,'D',1001,31, 0,4.42, 54

    SELECT * from #TempDetails

    --Result expected

    select 'D' AS 'loadORdelivery', 1000 AS InvoiceNumber, 30 AS 'UnitsPurch', 32 AS 'UnitsSold', 17.24 AS 'SystemCost', 18.44 AS 'SystemPrice'


    select 'D' AS 'loadORdelivery', 1001 AS InvoiceNumber, 52 AS 'UnitsPurch', 55 AS 'UnitsSold', 8.34 AS 'SystemCost', 8.61 AS 'SystemPrice'

  • I think this is what you're looking for, but I had to make some assumptions:

    SELECT loadORdelivery='D', --Not sure what the point of returning a constant 'D' here is?


    UnitsPurch= SUM(CASE WHEN loadORdelivery='L' THEN Units END),

    UnitsSold= SUM(CASE WHEN loadORdelivery='D' THEN Units END),

    SystemCost= SUM(SystemCost),


    FROM #TempDetails

    GROUP BY InvoiceNumber;

    I had to assume that an 'L' meant Units counted towards purchased units and a 'D' towards sold units, but that seemed pretty clear.

    I'm also a bit unsure what the point of returning the constant 'D' in the aggregated results is for, but sometimes there are strange requirements. 🙂


  • It will work.

    Thank you

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