How to add in IF ERROR

  • Hi,

    How do I add IIF error in the following statement? As it is currently coming up with NaN, as there is no data in the file yet, therefore I just want it to show 0 rather than NaN.

    =SUM(Fields!TC.Value AND Fields!Den.Value)+SUM(Fields!TCO.Value AND Fields!Den.Value)+SUM(Fields!TCCF.Value AND Fields!Den.Value)


  • Is that in an MS Access form/report?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I am using SSRS.


  • What's "it"?

    Here is a ref for the IIF() statement:

    I'm not sure what values aren't coming up as you expect, but if you have a problem with TC.Value not being returned correctly?, you can use this:

    =IIF( ISNothing(Fields!TC.Value), 0, SUM(Fields!TC.Value AND Fields!Den.Value)+SUM(Fields!TCO.Value AND Fields!Den.Value)+SUM(Fields!TCCF.Value AND Fields!Den.Value))

    The way this works is you use an

    =IIF(test condition, return if true, return if false)

    Add other IIF expressions to test your values. Or use an AND with a few to ensure that all your return values are present.

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