How to over come from outer apply

  • Hi there,

    I wrote a query to meet my logic but performance kills. Want to replace the outer apply in following query,

    select ProdA.Productid, ProdB.ProductID

    FROM BHSProd.dbo.ClaimPayment CP WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.Claim C WITH (NOLOCK) ON CP.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CP.IsHistory = 0

    AND CP.StatusID <> 5105 --ADJ

    AND ISNULL(CP.ApprovedAmount, 0) >= 0 --Added instead of the commented code at the last lines

    AND C.RowState <> 'R'

    AND C.SyntheticClaimID IS NOT NULL

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.ClaimProviderDetail CPD WITH (NOLOCK) ON CPD.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CPD.RowState <> 'R'

    AND CPD.ProviderTypeID = 731 -- Rendering (Claim --> Provider Type)

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.ClaimMemberDetail CMD WITH (NOLOCK) ON CMD.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CMD.LineOfBusinessID = @LOBID

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.Member M WITH (NOLOCK) ON M.MemberID_PK = CMD.MemberID

    AND M.RowState <> 'R'

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.[User] U WITH (NOLOCK) ON U.UserID = ISNULL(CP.ModifiedBy, CP.AddBy)


    LEFT JOIN VW_ClaimRefundAmt ClaimRefundAmtON ClaimRefundAmt.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK


    SELECT TOP 1 BP.ProductID AS ProductID

    FROM BHSProd.dbo.BenefitPlan BP

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.MemberCoverage MCov WITH (NOLOCK) ON MCov.BenefitPlanID = BP.BenefitPlanID

    AND 1 = (


    WHEN ISNULL(MCov.TerminationDate, '') <> ''

    AND CONVERT(DATE, C.FirstDateOfService, 101) >= CONVERT(DATE, MCov.EffectiveDate, 101)

    AND CONVERT(DATE, C.FirstDateOfService, 101) <= CONVERT(DATE, MCov.TerminationDate, 101)

    THEN 1

    WHEN ISNULL(MCov.TerminationDate, '') = ''

    AND CONVERT(DATE, C.FirstDateOfService, 101) >= CONVERT(DATE, MCov.EffectiveDate, 101)

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0



    WHERE MCov.MemberID = CMD.MemberID

    ) ProdA


    SELECT TOP 1 BP.ProductID AS ProductID

    FROM BHSProd.dbo.BenefitPlan BP WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN BHSProd.dbo.membercoverage MC WITH (NOLOCK) ON MC.BenefitPlanID = BP.BenefitPlanID

    --AND MC.RowState <> 'R'

    AND MC.MemberID = CMD.MemberID

    ORDER BY ISNULL(MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate) DESC

    ) AS ProdB

  • Suggestions:

    1) It's a performance question, so you'd better include an execution plan in order to let people understand where the problem lies. Post the actual execution plan, not the extimated plan if possible.

    2) Post table and index scripts. Without knowing your database, we cannot help.

    3) Don't use NOLOCK: it doesn't boost your query performance, it just allows dirty reads on your data with interesting side effects such as reading rows multiple times or skipping them altogether.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Another suggestion: don't convert datatypes if you don't absolutely need to. Those CONVERT(date,something,101) will prevent you from using indexes on the columns.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Some observations to add to SpaghettiDBA's comments:

    1.Remove any unnecessary tables from the FROM list. Begin with the two left-joined views. Since they are left joins, they cannot restrict the output, they can only change the number of rows returned – by introducing dupes.

    2.Remove functions from filters and join criteria unless they are known to be SARGable: use CAST(datetime column AS DATE) instead of CONVERT.

    3.The two APPLY blocks are similar, in fact the more complex one is more or less the same as the simpler one, but with an extra filter. Change the simpler one to a CROSS APPLY because you won’t eliminate results from the other.

    You should end up with something like this, after a first pass of simple improvements:

    USE BHSProd





    FROM dbo.ClaimPayment CP

    INNER JOIN dbo.Claim C

    ON CP.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CP.IsHistory = 0

    AND CP.StatusID <> 5105 --ADJ

    --AND ISNULL(CP.ApprovedAmount, 0) >= 0 --Added instead of the commented code at the last lines

    AND (CP.ApprovedAmount >= 0 OR CP.ApprovedAmount IS NULL)--Added instead of the commented code at the last lines

    AND C.RowState <> 'R'

    AND C.SyntheticClaimID IS NOT NULL

    INNER JOIN dbo.ClaimProviderDetail CPD

    ON CPD.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CPD.RowState <> 'R'

    AND CPD.ProviderTypeID = 731 -- Rendering (Claim --> Provider Type)

    INNER JOIN dbo.ClaimMemberDetail CMD

    ON CMD.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK

    AND CMD.LineOfBusinessID = @LOBID

    INNER JOIN dbo.Member M

    ON M.MemberID_PK = CMD.MemberID

    AND M.RowState <> 'R'

    INNER JOIN dbo.[User] U

    ON (U.UserID = CP.ModifiedBy OR U.UserID = CP.AddBy) --ISNULL(CP.ModifiedBy, CP.AddBy)


    --ON CLID.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK --CP.ClaimID

    --LEFT JOIN VW_ClaimRefundAmt ClaimRefundAmt

    --ON ClaimRefundAmt.ClaimID = C.ClaimID_PK


    SELECT TOP 1 BP.ProductID

    FROM dbo.BenefitPlan BP

    INNER JOIN dbo.MemberCoverage MCov

    ON MCov.BenefitPlanID = BP.BenefitPlanID

    AND MCov.MemberID = CMD.MemberID -- outer reference

    AND CAST(C.FirstDateOfService AS DATE) >= CAST(MCov.EffectiveDate AS DATE)

    AND (MCov.TerminationDate IS NULL OR CAST(C.FirstDateOfService AS DATE) <= CAST(MCov.TerminationDate AS DATE))

    ) ProdA


    SELECT TOP 1 BP.ProductID

    FROM dbo.BenefitPlan BP

    INNER JOIN dbo.membercoverage MC

    ON MC.BenefitPlanID = BP.BenefitPlanID

    AND MC.MemberID = CMD.MemberID -- outer reference

    --ORDER BY ISNULL(MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate) DESC

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate DESC, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    ) ProdB

    EDIT: Corrected code, thanks Hugo.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Tuning is never simple, and especially tuning a complex query such as the one you posted can be a challenge.

    You say that you want to replace the OUTER APPLY. Why? How have you determined that this is the root cause of your performance problems? Also, there are two outer apply's in the query; I *think* you are looking at the first, but I don't like to assume.

    I see two object names that start with vW_; that probably means they are views - not unlikely that they are the problem. Are these views regular views or indexed views? If they are indexed views, then what edition of SQL Server are you running?

    Are all other object names really tables?

    Are you using cross-database logic? If no, then why do you use three-part naming for most object names?

    I see several bad practices in different places in the query. The first outer apply has a TOP 1 without ORDER BY, which means that your results are undefined. In the outer apply, you do date conversions that are known to cripple SQL Server's ability to use indexes. Both in the apply and in the main query, you have ISNULL calls; many of them are totally useless but will impact performance; some actually do something besides lowering performance, but might be replaceable.

    And I hope that you are aware that NOLOCK is not a magic go-faster switch. It will give you a tiny performance advantage for having to take far less locks, and it might reduce blocking, but it can also result in returning incorrect data - not just uincommitted rows; you can also read a single row twice, skip rows, or get a run-time error - so you better build retry logic around that.

    You use OUTER APPLY twice, and the only two columns included in the SELECT list come from those two sources. Do you really want NULL, NULL to be in your resultset? Are you sure you do not want CROSS APPLY instead?

    The FROM list also contains a lot of object references that are never used. Maybe I am overlooking a reference somewhere, possible. But for instance, the [User] table (or view) appears to be mostly useless. If I assume that UserID is unique in the table (and again, I do not like to assume), then this is effectively just an EXISTS test - so write it that way to make the query easier to understand. Also, if you have foreign key constraints on the audit column (and if no, then why not), then even this EXISTS test is utterly useless. In many cases SQL Server will understand this and eliminate the useless test from the plan, but once the query becomes too complex SQL Server can start to miss such opportunities. And in this case the ISNULL expression by itself is probably sufficient to eliminate any chance of getting that simplicifation. For the two views, it is even worse, they are joined using outer joins - so they will never cause any row to be eliminated, but they might cause rows to be returned multiple times. I'm assuming that has not happened yet (or you would have posted for help with removing the duplicates instead of performance). But SQL Server almost certainly is unable to deduct from the view and table definitions that this can never happen, so it will have to include evaluation for the views just to verify that there are no multiple matching rows.

    Perhaps the above helps you a few steps in the right direction. If you need more help, then you will have to start by providing more information. In order to help you, we need the following:

    * The defintion of all objects used in the query. For tables that is the CREATE TABLE statement. (Please include all constraints and indexes, but feel free to eliminate columns that play no role in the query). For views, that is the CREATE VIEW statement (again, feel free to eliminate unused columns), plus indexes if it's an indexed view - and if views are used, then make sure that tables referenced by that view are also included in the script.

    * The actual execution plan. (You can get this by executing the query in SQL Server Management Studio with the option to include the actual plan turned on; then switch to the execution plan pane, right-click on some whitespace in the plan and select the option to save the plan as a .sqlplan file, which you can then upload here).

    Finally, I'd be interested to know how long exactly the query runs, and how fast you need it to be.

    EDIT: Wow, that's what I get for typing long replies. There were no replies when I started typing, now I am mostly repeating what others said.

    EDIT 2: I forgot to add that I know that posting all the information I requested is a lot of work, but without it we simply cannot help you. Once you do post it, I must make the disclaimer that you are not guaranteed to get help. Most people here do this kind of work for a liviing. Spending some of our time to give help for free is okay, we like to do that. But if the problem you post is so big that it will take us a full day, it's hard to justify spending that amount of time here instead of on billable work. So while there definitely is a chance that you will receive help, it is not certain.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • ChrisM@Work (2/5/2016)

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    I didn't go over all your modifications, but this one just struck my eye.

    I think you intended this to be:

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate DESC, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Hugo Kornelis (2/5/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/5/2016)

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    I didn't go over all your modifications, but this one just struck my eye.

    I think you intended this to be:

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate DESC, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    You're absolutely right Hugo, thank you for pointing this out.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hugo Kornelis (2/5/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/5/2016)

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    I didn't go over all your modifications, but this one just struck my eye.

    I think you intended this to be:

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate DESC, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    This is a breaking change. The results of this change are different from the original query.

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY ISNULL(mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate) DESC

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY mc.TerminationDate DESC, mc.EffectiveDate DESC


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen (2/5/2016)

    Hugo Kornelis (2/5/2016)

    ChrisM@Work (2/5/2016)

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    I didn't go over all your modifications, but this one just struck my eye.

    I think you intended this to be:

    ORDER BY MC.TerminationDate DESC, MC.EffectiveDate DESC

    This is a breaking change. The results of this change are different from the original query.

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY ISNULL(mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate) DESC

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY mc.TerminationDate DESC, mc.EffectiveDate DESC


    This is a fixing change, and is in fact the original code I posted:

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    (CAST(NULL AS DATE),CAST('2016-01-01' AS DATE)),

    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY ISNULL(mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate) DESC

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    (CAST(NULL AS DATE),CAST('2016-01-01' AS DATE)),

    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate DESC

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • No, it's still a breaking change.

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01'),

    ('2016-12-31', '2016-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY ISNULL(mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate) DESC

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ('2015-12-31', '2015-01-01'),

    ('2016-12-31', '2016-01-01')

    ) AS mc(TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)

    ORDER BY mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate DESC


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Yes, you are right. I had overlooked that. Both rewrites of the ORDER BY are incorrect, it needs to be kept as it was (with the ISNULL or with a COALESCE which in this case is the same).

    A more significant rewrite could perhaps fix this in some way, but that requires a lot more information then we currently have.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Hugo Kornelis (2/5/2016)

    Yes, you are right. I had overlooked that. Both rewrites of the ORDER BY are incorrect, it needs to be kept as it was (with the ISNULL or with a COALESCE which in this case is the same).

    A more significant rewrite could perhaps fix this in some way, but that requires a lot more information then we currently have.

    It has such a small impact on performance, certainly compared with other gotchas in the code, that it's probably a red herring anyway. Thanks for correcting and pointing this out Drew.

    DROP TABLE #Sample

    SELECT n, EffectiveDate, TerminationDate = DATEADD(HOUR,ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%1000,EffectiveDate)

    INTO #Sample

    FROM (

    SELECT n, EffectiveDate = DATEADD(HOUR,0-n,GETDATE())

    FROM (



    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) d (n),

    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) e (n),

    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) f (n),

    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) g (n),

    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) h (n),

    (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) i (n)

    ) d

    ) e;

    WITH Updater AS (SELECT TOP(50000) * FROM #Sample ORDER BY NEWID())

    UPDATE Updater SET TerminationDate = NULL;

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_Stuff ON #Sample (TerminationDate, EffectiveDate)


    SELECT mc.*

    INTO #TEMP10

    FROM #Sample mc

    SELECT mc.*


    FROM #Sample mc

    ORDER BY ISNULL(mc.TerminationDate, mc.EffectiveDate) DESC

    SELECT mc.*


    FROM #Sample mc

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT OrderBy = MAX(OrderBy) FROM (VALUES (mc.TerminationDate),(mc.EffectiveDate)) d (OrderBy)) o

    ORDER BY o.OrderBy DESC

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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