Temp Table column suddenly becomes NOT NULL ???

  • Here's a weird one that I cannot figure out. I have a bit of code that monitors my database growth. It was working fine up until yesterday when I set one of my databases OFFLINE. Then it failed every time I ran it because of this error:

    [SQLSTATE 01003] (Message 8153) Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DBFileName', table 'tempdb.dbo.#dbsize_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________00000001B7DC'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. [SQLSTATE 23000] (Error 515) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621). The step failed

    Here's the code that that I was running and I bolded the section where it was failing.

    ------------------------------Data file size----------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbsize')) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbsize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME,driveletter char(1), DBFileName SYSNAME, dbstatus VARCHAR(50),

    Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT ('NA'), file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2)DEFAULT (0),

    Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2)DEFAULT (0),Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname, DBFileName, driveletter,dbstatus,Recovery_Model,


    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, name AS DBFileName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DatabasePropertyEx(''?'',''Status'')) ,


    sum(size)/128.0 AS File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=0 group by type, name, physical_name';


    -------------------log size--------------------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#logsize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logsize;

    CREATE TABLE #logsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME, DriveLetter char(1), Log_File_Size_MB DECIMAL(38,2)DEFAULT (0),

    log_Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2)DEFAULT (0),log_Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2)DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname, DriveLetter,Log_File_Size_MB,log_Space_Used_MB,log_Free_Space_MB)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    sum(size)/128.0 AS Log_File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as log_Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS log_Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1 group by type, physical_name';


    --------------------------------database free size

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbfreesize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbfreesize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbfreesize

    (name SYSNAME, database_size VARCHAR(50), Freespace VARCHAR(50)DEFAULT (0.00));

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name,database_size,Freespace)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];SELECT database_name = db_name()

    ,database_size = ltrim(str((convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize)

    + convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), logsize)) * 8192 / 1048576, 15, 2) + ''MB'')

    ,''unallocated space'' = ltrim(str((


    WHEN dbsize >= reservedpages

    THEN (convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize)

    - convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), reservedpages)) * 8192 / 1048576

    ELSE 0


    ), 15, 2) + '' MB'')

    FROM (

    SELECT dbsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type = 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    ,logsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type <> 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.database_files

    ) AS files


    SELECT reservedpages = sum(a.total_pages)

    ,usedpages = sum(a.used_pages)

    ,pages = sum(CASE

    WHEN it.internal_type IN (










    THEN 0

    WHEN a.type <> 1

    THEN a.used_pages

    WHEN p.index_id < 2

    THEN a.data_pages

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.partitions p

    INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a

    ON p.partition_id = a.container_id

    LEFT JOIN sys.internal_TABLEs it

    ON p.object_id = it.object_id

    ) AS partitions';


    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#alldbstate') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #alldbstate;

    CREATE TABLE #alldbstate

    (dbname SYSNAME, DBstatus VARCHAR(55), R_model VARCHAR(30));

    INSERT INTO #alldbstate (dbname,DBstatus,R_model)



    FROM sys.databases;

    --SELECT * FROM #dbsize

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,dbstatus,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    INSERT INTO CreditDBA_Admin.dbo.DBSizeMonitor (DBName, DBFileName,

    DriveLetter, DBStatus, Recovery_Model, DBSize, File_Size_MB,

    Space_Used_MB, Free_Space_MB, Log_File_Size_MB, Log_Space_Used_MB,

    Log_Free_Space_MB, DB_FreeSpace, LogDateTime)

    SELECT d.Dbname,d.DBFileName, d.driveletter, d.dbstatus,d.Recovery_Model,

    (file_size_mb + log_file_size_mb) as DBsize,



    fs.Freespace as DB_Freespace, GETDATE() AS LogDateTime

    FROM #dbsize d

    INNER JOIN #logsize l

    ON d.Dbname=l.Dbname

    INNER JOIN #dbfreesize fs

    ON d.Dbname=fs.name

    order by d.driveletter DESC, d.Free_Space_MB DESC, d.Dbname;

    Now that code has not ever changed. It was running fine until 10:30 a.m. yesterday, at which point it failed every time it ran. Setting a database OFFLINE should not have caused any issues, because the data was still pulling without NULL values.

    I ran SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online'; several times to be sure that it wasn't pulling NULL values. I looked over the temp table #dbsize to make sure. I even added the zeroes for the DEFAULT columns and it was still failing. As a test, I put the OFFLINE database back ONLINE and the code worked like a treat because it wasn't pulling any non-ONLINE database info, so skipped that section of code entirely.

    Took the database back OFFLINE and failure again. So I finally narrowed down the issue to column "driveletter", which is not at all what the error was complaining about. I changed this section of code:

    CREATE TABLE #alldbstate

    (dbname SYSNAME, DBstatus VARCHAR(55), R_model VARCHAR(30));

    INSERT INTO #alldbstate (dbname,DBstatus,R_model)



    FROM sys.databases;

    --SELECT * FROM #dbsize

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,dbstatus,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    To THIS:

    CREATE TABLE #alldbstate

    (dbname SYSNAME, driveletter CHAR(1), DBstatus VARCHAR(55), R_model VARCHAR(30));

    INSERT INTO #alldbstate (dbname,driveletter,DBstatus,R_model)

    SELECT sd.name,SUBSTRING(df.physical_name,1,1), CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATABASEPROPERTYEX(sd.name,'status')),sd.recovery_model_desc

    FROM sys.databases sd

    INNER JOIN sys.database_files df

    ON sd.name = df.name;

    --SELECT * FROM #dbsize

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,driveletter,DBFileName,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,driveletter,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    And suddenly the code is working again. The thing is, I don't know why it's working because I can't figure out why it failed. Driveletter is a nullable column because I never told it to be NOT NULL.

    Can someone shed some light on this particular bit of strange code interaction?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Quick suggestion, change the #dbsize create script


    CREATE TABLE #dbsize



    ,driveletter char(1) NULL


    ,dbstatus VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    ,Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('NA')

    ,file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)



  • Eirikur Eiriksson (1/22/2016)

    Quick suggestion, change the #dbsize create script


    CREATE TABLE #dbsize



    ,driveletter char(1) NULL


    ,dbstatus VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    ,Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('NA')

    ,file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)



    I would rather not make any more script changes until I understand exactly what caused the problem in the first place.

    EDIT: It's frustrating knowing that I've fixed the problem without understanding exactly what the problem is.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/22/2016)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (1/22/2016)

    Quick suggestion, change the #dbsize create script


    CREATE TABLE #dbsize



    ,driveletter char(1) NULL


    ,dbstatus VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    ,Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('NA')

    ,file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)

    ,Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)



    I would rather not make any more script changes until I understand exactly what caused the problem in the first place.

    EDIT: It's frustrating knowing that I've fixed the problem without understanding exactly what the problem is.

    You should always specify the null-ability of a column, although the default is null the server uses hints such as source column not being null or an isnull statement to overwrite those. Suggest you ask Jeff Moden, he's done some nifty things with this.


  • You're using sysname as datatype for your columns. Sysname is by default NOT NULL.

    You're effectively not inserting any null values explicitly, but you were missing the column in your insert statement. Once you included it, the error was gone. This only happened when you had an offline database because of the where clauses of those statements.

    I hope that I made myself clear.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (1/22/2016)

    You're using sysname as datatype for your columns. Sysname is by default NOT NULL.

    You're effectively not inserting any null values explicitly, but you were missing the column in your insert statement. Once you included it, the error was gone. This only happened when you had an offline database because of the where clauses of those statements.

    I hope that I made myself clear.

    Luis is correct here. Another way to fix it is to change DBFileName from sysname to NVARCHAR(128), the base type for sysname, and allow nulls there.

  • Luis and Jack, you are both right in the terms of suppressing the problem, preventing it is in my mind a better approach.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (1/22/2016)

    Luis and Jack, you are both right in the terms of suppressing the problem, preventing it is in my mind a better approach.


    Fixing the whole code would be an even better approach, which would include the correct definition of the table and the correct insertion of values. 😎

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Eirikur Eiriksson (1/22/2016)

    Luis and Jack, you are both right in the terms of suppressing the problem, preventing it is in my mind a better approach.


    As Luis and Jack explained, the issue is that the DBFileName column is defined as a sysname, which by default is a NOT NULL column. The insert statement is not inserting into this column, so a NULL is being attempted to be inserted into this column. The insert fails since the column can't be NULL.

    To prevent this issue:

    1. Change the definition of the table to either:

    CREATE TABLE #dbsize


    Dbname sysname,

    driveletter CHAR(1),

    DBFileName NVARCHAR(128),

    dbstatus VARCHAR(50),

    Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT ('NA'),

    file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0),

    Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0),

    Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0)



    CREATE TABLE #dbsize


    Dbname sysname,

    driveletter CHAR(1),

    DBFileName sysname NULL,

    dbstatus VARCHAR(50),

    Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT ('NA'),

    file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0),

    Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0),

    Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30, 2) DEFAULT (0)



    2. Change the below code:

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,dbstatus,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model

    FROM #alldbstate

    WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    to insert into the DBFileName column:

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,dbstatus,Recovery_Model, DBFileName)

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model , ''

    FROM #alldbstate

    WHERE DBstatus <> 'online';

    My preference is to change the data type of the column to sysname NULL.

    Note that this code will not work as expected if you are on a case-sensitive collation.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • I understand what you're saying about the SYSNAME, and I agree I need to fix the code.

    But if that's the case, why did fixing only the driveletter column, which is definitively NOT SYSNAME, fix the code? It worked as soon as I added driveletter to the other temp table and then inserted the record with that additional column.

    That's the part that's driving me nuts. I fixed a different other column than indicated in the error message and the error goes away. Poof. I still don't get why doing that would circumvent the "sysname datatypes aren't nullable" rule.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Luis Cazares (1/22/2016)

    You're using sysname as datatype for your columns. Sysname is by default NOT NULL.

    You're effectively not inserting any null values explicitly, but you were missing the column in your insert statement. Once you included it, the error was gone. This only happened when you had an offline database because of the where clauses of those statements.

    I hope that I made myself clear.

    You made yourself clear, but allow me to point out that the DBName was absolutely included in the insert and wasn't a null value (I ran the SELECT by itself to make sure). It was the addition of a CHAR(1) column to that temp table that fixed the problem.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/22/2016)

    Luis Cazares (1/22/2016)

    You're using sysname as datatype for your columns. Sysname is by default NOT NULL.

    You're effectively not inserting any null values explicitly, but you were missing the column in your insert statement. Once you included it, the error was gone. This only happened when you had an offline database because of the where clauses of those statements.

    I hope that I made myself clear.

    You made yourself clear, but allow me to point out that the DBName was absolutely included in the insert and wasn't a null value (I ran the SELECT by itself to make sure). It was the addition of a CHAR(1) column to that temp table that fixed the problem.

    DBName was included but DBFileName wasn't.

    EDIT to make the differences more evident.

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname, dbstatus, Recovery_Model) --Original

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,driveletter, DBFileName,Recovery_Model) --Modified

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (1/22/2016)

    Brandie Tarvin (1/22/2016)

    Luis Cazares (1/22/2016)

    You're using sysname as datatype for your columns. Sysname is by default NOT NULL.

    You're effectively not inserting any null values explicitly, but you were missing the column in your insert statement. Once you included it, the error was gone. This only happened when you had an offline database because of the where clauses of those statements.

    I hope that I made myself clear.

    You made yourself clear, but allow me to point out that the DBName was absolutely included in the insert and wasn't a null value (I ran the SELECT by itself to make sure). It was the addition of a CHAR(1) column to that temp table that fixed the problem.

    DBName was included but DBFileName wasn't.

    EDIT to make the differences more evident.

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname, dbstatus, Recovery_Model) --Original

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,driveletter, DBFileName,Recovery_Model) --Modified

    Ummm. That is actually a typo. Should be status, not file name. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Okay. This is driving me batty.

    New code (with datatypes fixed) works fine ....

    ------------------------------Data file size----------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbsize')) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbsize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL,driveletter CHAR(1) NULL, DBFileName SYSNAME NOT NULL, dbstatus VARCHAR(50),Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) NULL DEFAULT ('NA'),

    file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0), Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0),Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname, DBFileName, driveletter,dbstatus,Recovery_Model,file_Size_MB,Space_Used_MB,Free_Space_MB)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, name AS DBFileName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DatabasePropertyEx(''?'',''Status'')) ,


    sum(size)/128.0 AS File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=0 group by type, name, physical_name';


    -------------------log size--------------------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#logsize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logsize;

    CREATE TABLE #logsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL, DriveLetter CHAR(1) NULL, Log_File_Size_MB DECIMAL(38,2) NULL DEFAULT (0),

    log_Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0), log_Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname, DriveLetter,Log_File_Size_MB,log_Space_Used_MB,log_Free_Space_MB)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    sum(size)/128.0 AS Log_File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as log_Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS log_Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1 group by type, physical_name';


    --------------------------------database free size

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbfreesize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbfreesize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbfreesize

    (name SYSNAME NOT NULL, database_size VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Freespace VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0.00));

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name,database_size,Freespace)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];SELECT database_name = db_name()

    ,database_size = ltrim(str((convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize) + convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), logsize)) * 8192 / 1048576, 15, 2) + ''MB'')

    ,''unallocated space'' = ltrim(str((


    WHEN dbsize >= reservedpages

    THEN (convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize) - convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), reservedpages)) * 8192 / 1048576

    ELSE 0


    ), 15, 2) + '' MB'')

    FROM (

    SELECT dbsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type = 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    ,logsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type <> 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.database_files

    ) AS files


    SELECT reservedpages = sum(a.total_pages)

    ,usedpages = sum(a.used_pages)

    ,pages = sum(CASE

    WHEN it.internal_type IN (










    THEN 0

    WHEN a.type <> 1

    THEN a.used_pages

    WHEN p.index_id < 2

    THEN a.data_pages

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.partitions p

    INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a

    ON p.partition_id = a.container_id

    LEFT JOIN sys.internal_TABLEs it

    ON p.object_id = it.object_id

    ) AS partitions';


    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#alldbstate') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #alldbstate;

    CREATE TABLE #alldbstate

    (dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL, driveletter CHAR(1) NULL, DBstatus VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL, R_model VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL);

    --SELECT * FROM sys.master_files

    INSERT INTO #alldbstate (dbname,driveletter,DBstatus,R_model)

    SELECT sd.name,SUBSTRING(df.physical_name,1,1), CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATABASEPROPERTYEX(sd.name,'status')),sd.recovery_model_desc

    FROM sys.databases sd

    INNER JOIN sys.database_files df

    ON sd.name = df.name;

    --SELECT * FROM #dbsize

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,driveletter,dbstatus,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,driveletter,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO CreditDBA_Admin.dbo.DBSizeMonitor (DBName, DBFileName, DriveLetter, DBStatus, Recovery_Model, DBSize, File_Size_MB,

    Space_Used_MB, Free_Space_MB, Log_File_Size_MB, Log_Space_Used_MB, Log_Free_Space_MB, DB_FreeSpace, LogDateTime)

    SELECT d.Dbname,d.DBFileName, d.driveletter, d.dbstatus,d.Recovery_Model,

    (file_size_mb + log_file_size_mb) as DBsize,


    l.Log_File_Size_MB,log_Space_Used_MB,l.log_Free_Space_MB,fs.Freespace as DB_Freespace, GETDATE() AS LogDateTime

    FROM #dbsize d

    INNER JOIN #logsize l

    ON d.Dbname=l.Dbname

    INNER JOIN #dbfreesize fs

    ON d.Dbname=fs.name

    ORDER BY d.driveletter DESC, d.Free_Space_MB DESC, d.Dbname;

    ...until I remove that damn driveletter column.

    ------------------------------Data file size----------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbsize')) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbsize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL,driveletter CHAR(1) NULL, DBFileName SYSNAME NOT NULL, dbstatus VARCHAR(50),Recovery_Model VARCHAR(40) NULL DEFAULT ('NA'),

    file_Size_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0), Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0),Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname, DBFileName, driveletter,dbstatus,Recovery_Model,file_Size_MB,Space_Used_MB,Free_Space_MB)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, name AS DBFileName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DatabasePropertyEx(''?'',''Status'')) ,


    sum(size)/128.0 AS File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=0 group by type, name, physical_name';


    -------------------log size--------------------------------------

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#logsize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logsize;

    CREATE TABLE #logsize

    (Dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL, DriveLetter CHAR(1) NULL, Log_File_Size_MB DECIMAL(38,2) NULL DEFAULT (0),

    log_Space_Used_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0), log_Free_Space_MB DECIMAL(30,2) NULL DEFAULT (0));


    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname, DriveLetter,Log_File_Size_MB,log_Space_Used_MB,log_Free_Space_MB)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,1),

    sum(size)/128.0 AS Log_File_Size_MB,

    sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 as log_Space_Used_MB,

    SUM( size)/128.0 - sum(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name,''SpaceUsed'') AS INT))/128.0 AS log_Free_Space_MB

    FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1 group by type, physical_name';


    --------------------------------database free size

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbfreesize') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #dbfreesize;

    CREATE TABLE #dbfreesize

    (name SYSNAME NOT NULL, database_size VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Freespace VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0.00));

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name,database_size,Freespace)

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb

    'use [?];SELECT database_name = db_name()

    ,database_size = ltrim(str((convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize) + convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), logsize)) * 8192 / 1048576, 15, 2) + ''MB'')

    ,''unallocated space'' = ltrim(str((


    WHEN dbsize >= reservedpages

    THEN (convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), dbsize) - convert(DECIMAL(15, 2), reservedpages)) * 8192 / 1048576

    ELSE 0


    ), 15, 2) + '' MB'')

    FROM (

    SELECT dbsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type = 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    ,logsize = sum(convert(BIGINT, CASE

    WHEN type <> 0

    THEN size

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.database_files

    ) AS files


    SELECT reservedpages = sum(a.total_pages)

    ,usedpages = sum(a.used_pages)

    ,pages = sum(CASE

    WHEN it.internal_type IN (










    THEN 0

    WHEN a.type <> 1

    THEN a.used_pages

    WHEN p.index_id < 2

    THEN a.data_pages

    ELSE 0


    FROM sys.partitions p

    INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a

    ON p.partition_id = a.container_id

    LEFT JOIN sys.internal_TABLEs it

    ON p.object_id = it.object_id

    ) AS partitions';


    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#alldbstate') ) IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #alldbstate;

    CREATE TABLE #alldbstate

    (dbname SYSNAME NOT NULL, DBstatus VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL, R_model VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL);

    --SELECT * FROM sys.master_files

    INSERT INTO #alldbstate (dbname,DBstatus,R_model)

    SELECT sd.name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATABASEPROPERTYEX(sd.name,'status')),sd.recovery_model_desc

    FROM sys.databases sd

    --SELECT * FROM #dbsize

    INSERT INTO #dbsize(Dbname,dbstatus,Recovery_Model)

    SELECT dbname,dbstatus,R_model FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO #logsize(Dbname)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO #dbfreesize(name)

    SELECT dbname FROM #alldbstate WHERE DBstatus NOT IN ('ONLINE','RESTORING');

    INSERT INTO CreditDBA_Admin.dbo.DBSizeMonitor (DBName, DBFileName, DriveLetter, DBStatus, Recovery_Model, DBSize, File_Size_MB,

    Space_Used_MB, Free_Space_MB, Log_File_Size_MB, Log_Space_Used_MB, Log_Free_Space_MB, DB_FreeSpace, LogDateTime)

    SELECT d.Dbname,d.DBFileName, d.driveletter, d.dbstatus,d.Recovery_Model,

    (file_size_mb + log_file_size_mb) as DBsize,


    l.Log_File_Size_MB,log_Space_Used_MB,l.log_Free_Space_MB,fs.Freespace as DB_Freespace, GETDATE() AS LogDateTime

    FROM #dbsize d

    INNER JOIN #logsize l

    ON d.Dbname=l.Dbname

    INNER JOIN #dbfreesize fs

    ON d.Dbname=fs.name

    ORDER BY d.driveletter DESC, d.Free_Space_MB DESC, d.Dbname;

    Where it fails on that DBFileName error again. (and yes, I deliberately left the DEFAULT columns as NULLABLE for the moment).

    I still can't figure out why having the driveletter column "fixes" the code when I'm totally ignoring the DBFileName column in both versions. <headdesk>.

    The easy fix is to through DBFileName into the code properly. But I really want to know why SQL is acting the way it is.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • The sysname columns are defined as not nullable.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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