Issue: Stored Procedure returns duplicate records for types with subtypes

  • Hello, I created a stored procedure that returns financial information for a business. The stored procedure receives a companyID parameter

    There are five types a record can have:

    Business Accounts


    Lines of Credit


    Cash Management Services

    The last Type "Cash Management Services", can also have sub-types:

    Credit Card

    One Card


    Positive Pay

    Debit Card

    Merchant Services

    Online Banking

    Remote Deposit Capture

    Sweeps/Zero Balance

    Dom./Int. Wires



    When I execute the stored procedure, I get duplicate records for each one of the sub-types of Cash Management Services. For example, the row with data has sub type One Card, and I get that row, plus 11 more representing each one of the sub types for cash management services

    I do need to be able to get the row with data for this type, but also to list all its sub-types without data.

    The output ideally should be like the file named "output_desired"

    The current output looks like the file "current _output"

    Does this make sense?

    This is my stored procedure:


    EXEC [dbo].[sp_Card_Company_BusinessFinancialInformation] 5


    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Card_Company_BusinessFinancialInformation

    @CompanyID INT



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.




    , [PrimaryKeyName]

    , [PrimaryKeyValue]

    , [ForeignKeyName]

    , [ForeignKeyValue]

    , [CompositeKeyName]

    , [CompositeKeyValue]

    , [rt].[RelationshipTypeID]

    , [rt].[RelationshipTypeName]

    , [rst].[RelationshipSubTypeID]

    , [rst].[RelationshipSubTypeName]

    , [Location]

    , [Quantity]

    , [FollowUpDate]

    , [Details]

    , [DocsInNautilus]

    , [HasSuccessionPlan]

    , [HasBuySellAgreement]

    , [IsFunded]

    , [RetirementPlanType]

    , [PlanAssets]

    , [PlanProvider]

    , [LastPersonalFinancialPlanReviewDate]

    , [LastFinancialStatementReceivedDate]




    'sp_CUD_BusinessFinancialInformation' [ModifyProcedure]

    , 'BusinessFinancialInformationID' [PrimaryKeyName]

    , [fi].[BusinessFinancialInformationID] [PrimaryKeyValue]

    , 'CompanyID' [ForeignKeyName]

    , [cfi].[CompanyID] [ForeignKeyValue]

    , NULL [CompositeKeyName]

    , NULL [CompositeKeyValue]

    , [fi].[RelationshipTypeID]

    , [fi].[RelationshipType]

    , [fi].[BusinessFinancialInformationID]

    , [cfi].[CompanyID]

    , [fi].[Location]

    , [fi].[Quantity]

    , [fi].[FollowUpDate]

    , [fi].[Details]

    , [fi].[DocsInNautilus]

    , [fi].[HasSuccessionPlan]

    , [fi].[HasBuySellAgreement]

    , [fi].[IsFunded]

    , [fi].[RetirementPlanType]

    , [fi].[PlanAssets]

    , [fi].[PlanProvider]

    , [fi].[LastPersonalFinancialPlanReviewDate]

    , [fi].[LastFinancialStatementReceivedDate]

    FROM dbo.vw_tblBusinessFinancialInformation fi

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.vw_tblCompany_BusinessFinancialInformation AS cfi

    ON cfi.BusinessFinancialInformationID = fi.


    WHERE [cfi].[CompanyID] = @CompanyID

    ) cc_bfi

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblRelationshipType rt

    ON cc_bfi.RelationshipTypeID = rt.RelationshipTypeID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblRelationshipSubType rst

    ON rt.RelationshipTypeID = rst.RelationshipTypeID;


  • Please post create view/table scripts along with sample data for the following tables / views

    vw_tblBusinessFinancialInformation - and all referenced tables in the view

    vw_tblCompany_BusinessFinancialInformation - and all referenced tables in the view



  • Both output_desired.txt and current_output.txt show 16 rows and have the same projection on (RelationshipTypeName, RelationshipSubTypeName ). What's wrong?

  • The current output record for type Cash Management Services and sub type One Card is the one actual record, all the other records for type Cash Management Services, are a duplication of that record data, what the out put should present is the records for cash management services sub type one card, and all the other column populated, and all other cash management rows, should only have the sub type populated with the rest of the column NULL.

  • itortu (11/25/2015)

    The current output record for type Cash Management Services and sub type One Card is the one actual record, all the other records for type Cash Management Services, are a duplication of that record data, what the out put should present is the records for cash management services sub type one card, and all the other column populated, and all other cash management rows, should only have the sub type populated with the rest of the column NULL.

    Can't find any data in cc_bfi subquery which could be possibly matched to single

    dbo.tblRelationshipSubType row. How one should select exactly 'One Card' row ?

  • (11/25/2015)

    Please post create view/table scripts along with sample data for the following tables / views

    vw_tblBusinessFinancialInformation - and all referenced tables in the view

    vw_tblCompany_BusinessFinancialInformation - and all referenced tables in the view



    In addition to sample data the expected results based on the sample data.

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