Partitioning - Swapin & Swapout Staging

  • I found this article and it was very helpful.

    Partitioning Example

    I'm not using Staging Tables in this case.

    Users will be entering data directly into the partitioned Table.

    I should the code be altered to excluded the Staging swap_in Table?

    I'm not clear on the swap out table either.

    Is it needed?

    Is it just a temporary table to do the switch?

    Please advise.

    Thank you

    By Michelle Ufford | November 3, 2008 | T-SQL Scripts

    The following code will walk you through the process of creating a partitioned table:


    -- Create A Partitioned Table --


    /* Create a partition function. */

    Create Partition Function [test_monthlyDateRange_pf] (smalldatetime)

    As Range Right For Values

    ('2008-01-01', '2008-02-01', '2008-03-01');


    /* Associate the partition function with a partition scheme. */

    Create Partition Scheme test_monthlyDateRange_ps

    As Partition test_monthlyDateRange_pf

    All To ([Primary]);


    /* Create your first partitioned table!

    Make sure the data types match. */

    Create Table dbo.orders


    order_id int Identity(1,1) Not Null

    , orderDate smalldatetime Not Null

    Constraint PK_orders Primary Key Clustered



    , order_id


    ) On test_monthlyDateRange_ps(orderDate);


    /* Create some records to play with. */

    Insert Into dbo.orders

    Select '2007-12-31' Union All

    Select '2008-01-02' Union All

    Select '2008-01-03' Union All

    Select '2008-01-04' Union All

    Select '2008-02-01' Union All

    Select '2008-02-02' Union All

    Select '2008-03-01' Union All

    Select '2008-03-02';

    /* The $partition function can be used to interrogate partition data.

    Let's use it to see where those records are physically located. */

    Select $partition.test_monthlyDateRange_pf(orderDate)

    As 'partition_number'

    , *

    From dbo.orders;

    /* By default, all new indexes are created on the partition.

    Let's create an aligned index */

    Create NonClustered Index IX_orders_aligned

    On dbo.orders(order_id)

    On test_monthlyDateRange_ps(orderDate);

    /* Now let's create an un-aligned index.

    We'll need to specify the filegroup. */

    Create NonClustered Index IX_orders_nonaligned

    On dbo.orders(order_id)

    On [Primary]; -- can be any filegroup

    /* Review your indexes */

    Execute sp_helpindex orders;

    Using the previous code as a building block, let’s try swapping partitions:


    -- Swap Out A Partition --


    /* We need to drop our un-aligned index; otherwise we'll

    get an error when we attempt to do the switch. */

    Drop Index IX_orders_nonaligned On dbo.orders;

    /* Create the table to hold the data you're swapping out.

    The table structures must match identically; however,

    DO NOT partition this table. */

    Create Table dbo.orders_stage_swapOut


    order_id int Not Null

    , orderDate smalldatetime Not Null

    Constraint PK_orders_stage_swapOut Primary Key Clustered



    , order_id


    ) On [Primary];


    /* Create the table to hold the data you're swapping in.

    The table structures must match identically; however,

    DO NOT partition this table. */

    Create Table dbo.orders_stage_swapIn


    order_id int Not Null

    , orderDate smalldatetime Not Null

    Constraint PK_orders_stage_swapIn Primary Key Clustered



    , order_id


    ) On [Primary];


    /* Populate the table you're swapping in. */

    Insert Into dbo.orders_stage_swapIn

    Select -5, '2008-02-02' Union All

    Select -4, '2008-02-03' Union All

    Select -3, '2008-02-04' Union All

    Select -2, '2008-02-05' Union All

    Select -1, '2008-02-06';

    /* Create any indexes on your table to match the

    indexes on your partitioned table. */

    Create NonClustered Index IX_orders_stage_swapIn

    On dbo.orders_stage_swapIn(order_id);

    /* Add a check constraint for the

    partition to be swapped in.

    This step is required. */

    Alter Table dbo.orders_stage_swapIn

    With Check

    Add Constraint orders_stage_swapIn_orderDateCK

    Check (orderDate >= '2008-02-01'

    And orderDate < '2008-03-01');


    /* Swap out the old partition. */

    Alter Table dbo.orders

    Switch Partition 3 To dbo.orders_stage_swapOut;


    /* Swap in the new partition. */

    Alter Table dbo.orders_stage_swapIn

    Switch To dbo.orders Partition 3;



    -- Check your data --


    /* You should have 2 records in here. */

    Select * From dbo.orders_stage_swapOut;

    /* You should have 5 records here. */

    Select *

    From dbo.orders

    Where orderDate >= '2008-02-01'

    And orderDate < '2008-03-01';

    /* There should be no records in this table. */

    Select * From dbo.orders_stage_swapIn;

    Select $partition.test_monthlyDateRange_pf(orderDate)

    As 'partition_number'

    , *

    From dbo.orders;

    /* Clean-up time!

    Drop Table dbo.orders

    Drop Table dbo.orders_stage_swapOut

    Drop Table dbo.orders_stage_swapIn

    Drop Partition Scheme test_monthlyDateRange_ps

    Drop Partition Function [test_monthlyDateRange_pf]


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