INSERT results in operating system error 1237 could not allocate a new page...

  • One of our dba's runs a process every night to update the database with a daily data file received from an external source. He was testing on a new SQL Server 2012/Windows 2012 R2 cluster that has an Availability Group. While trying to process INSERTs, the process failed with a error: "could not allocate a new page for database X because of insufficient disk space in filegroup PRIMARY."

    The log also contains "Operating System Error 1237 (The operating could not be completed. A retry should be performed) encountered".

    However, there is 300 GB free on the data drive (E:) where the .mdf file is located. The SQL Server service account has the "Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks" permission (instant file initialization).

    All of the disks are VMware 5.1 or 5.5 VM's and the E: disk has thick/eager zero provisioning.

    Has anyone seen this error before or know of possible causes?



  • Are the files in the primary filegroup allowed to grow? If so whats the current filesizes, growth rate and is there enough storage to auto grow the database if needed.

    If the file is 3TB large and set to 10% growth thats a 300GB addition so if you have just shy of what it needs it will fail

  • Thanks for the reply. Yes, the data file can grow without limit. It's just under 100 GB.

  • Do all the servers in the cluster have enough space to allow all secondaries to grow also?

    Could one of the other servers E drives only have 50GB free for example?

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