Basic Log Shipping questions

  • Hello,

    3 stupid questions,

    here is the scenario, 1 sever name prime is located in Kansas, and the migration needs to happen to North Carolina, which is called secondary, there is a good network pipe connected directly to them.

    here are the questions.

    1. has a database about 100gigs ish, but the transaction log file are about 5-10kb, I want to log ship from prime location to secondary, will I run into issues if I log ship to migrate the database?

    2. When I do log shipping on the prime database, will that ever lock any tables or the database when performing the log shipping? I am planning on doing a backup and restore then using log shipping to point to secondary restore database on secondary.

    3. to do the cut over, I read that you ONLY need to stop the services of log shipping, which are a total of 3, 2 at prime location and 1 at secondary location, Then take 1 final transaction log backup manually and restore it to secondary location, does that sound right?

    thanks in advance all 🙂

  • Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    the transaction log file are about 5-10kb

    That seems surprisingly small - or perhaps the Log Backups are at very frequent, i.e. short, intervals?

    Or almost no data changing in the database?

  • Yes they are very small, but very frequent, so, any help or answers to my question? what do you think?

    thanks in advanced 🙂

  • I only know some specifics about log shipping based on our in-house usage, better someone who understands it thoroughly gives you some advice 🙂

  • 1. has a database about 100gigs ish, but the transaction log file are about 5-10kb, I want to log ship from prime location to secondary, will I run into issues if I log ship to migrate the database?

    Whats the goal here? To setup some sort of manual failover setup or are you moving the database from one location to another then using secondary as your new live environment?

    The only problem I can see you having is shipping the full backup as thats going to be big compared with the T-Logs, so if you can safely ship that no issues you should be good.

    2. When I do log shipping on the prime database, will that ever lock any tables or the database when performing the log shipping? I am planning on doing a backup and restore then using log shipping to point to secondary restore database on secondary.

    Its just a simple T-Log backup and then a copy restore job, if your already doing T-Log backups you shouldn't notice any change

    3. to do the cut over, I read that you ONLY need to stop the services of log shipping, which are a total of 3, 2 at prime location and 1 at secondary location, Then take 1 final transaction log backup manually and restore it to secondary location, does that sound right?

    Yep, disable the backup job on Prime, run the Copy / Restore job a couple of times on secondary to ensure you have the full log chain. Disable the copy and restore jobs on Secondary. Take a tail log backup on prime, copy it restore it, bring it online with RECOVERY

  • Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    1. has a database about 100gigs ish, but the transaction log file are about 5-10kb, I want to log ship from prime location to secondary, will I run into issues if I log ship to migrate the database?

    In a recent role I logshipped a large database from the UK to Arizona, so ,no I wouldn't expect you to 😉

    Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    2. When I do log shipping on the prime database, will that ever lock any tables or the database when performing the log shipping? I am planning on doing a backup and restore then using log shipping to point to secondary restore database on secondary.

    no, do you understand how log shipping works?

    Log backups are shipped between the 2 endpoints and restored on the secondary

    Siten0308 (9/23/2015)

    3. to do the cut over, I read that you ONLY need to stop the services of log shipping, which are a total of 3, 2 at prime location and 1 at secondary location, Then take 1 final transaction log backup manually and restore it to secondary location, does that sound right?

    thanks in advance all 🙂

    sounds about right, are both sql servers the same edition and version


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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