SFTP Task sql 2014 in SSDT

  • Hello,

    I am trying to run ssis package on sql 2014 which has SFTP task but it gives me below error.

    Description: Cannot create a task from XML for task "SFTP Task", type "SSISSFTPTask120.SSIS.SSISSFTTask, SSISSFTPTask120, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ad434584aa4b647a123df" due to error 0x80070057 "The parameter is incorrect.".

    How to resolve this?

  • dallas13 (9/22/2015)


    I am trying to run ssis package on sql 2014 which has SFTP task but it gives me below error.

    Description: Cannot create a task from XML for task "SFTP Task", type "SSISSFTPTask120.SSIS.SSISSFTTask, SSISSFTPTask120, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ad434584aa4b647a123df" due to error 0x80070057 "The parameter is incorrect.".

    How to resolve this?

    Please provide more information, you have been around here long enough to know that we cannot see or know anything more than what is posted.


    This error, 0x80070057, is fairly generic (package validation error), my guess would be a missing or wrong parameter.

  • Here is further error description:- Description: Failed to load task "SFTP Task", type "". The contact information for this task is "cosmin.vlasiu@gmail.com".

    When I right click SSIS package and run it it works fine.

    But I am using dtexec utility in sql 2014 to run this package and its giving me these errors.

    The Package is located in 64 bit directory at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\DTS\Packages\Package.dtsx

    To run below code i need to bring package in msdb database as well which I did.

    Here is my cmd,

    DECLARE @sqlquery AS VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @ServerName VARCHAR(200) = 'XYZ'

    SET @sqlquery = 'DTExec /SQL ^"\Package^" '

    SET @sqlquery = @sqlquery + ' /SET \Package.Variables[ServerName].Value;^"'+ @ServerName + '^"'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sqlquery

  • Any luck with this issue?

  • Is this a third-party SFTP Task you downloaded and are using in your SSIS Package? Are you saying it works locally running in Visual Studio but not when hosted on a SQL 2014 server?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • We are successfully using this task.

    We have downloaded it from here, http://ssissftp.codeplex.com/

    And then read below documentation on how to register dlls to use it inside package.


    This is working for us fine in 2012 and above environments.

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