Error 19456

  • it already have two replicas and two subnets in the listener , now I am trying to add one more replica to the Group but I am getting following error....any help

    Create failed for Availability Group Listener ****

    None of the IP addresses configured for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server

    'NODE3'. Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can

    be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can be hosted on a public cluster network for

    this server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 19456)

  • Has replica 3 already been added to the underlying WSFC?

    Is replica 3 in a different subnet? If so, the listener will need to have IP addresses in all three subnets.

    I do not know if adding an additional IP is supported by the GUI, a quick look at the properties one of my AlwaysOn Availability Group Listener shows the Add button grayed-out. I think you should be able to add another IP address to the listener through powershell.

    There may be functionality in the WSFC cluster manager to add the IP address but some references discourage using the cluster manager for listener configurations.


  • thank you...

  • i have two different Subnets and two different IP addresses in listener. now I am trying to add new replica and what should I request for ? new IP address in same subnet or new subnet and new IP address ? and then I will add them as a third subnet and IP address to the existing Listener ...

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