Splitting similar data into separate columns

  • If you see below there are 2 customer names on 1 loan, most of them share the same lastname and address, I want to separate it with fields,

    LoanID, customer 1 Firstname, Customer 1 Lastname, Customer 2 FirstName, Customer 2 Lastname, Adddress,zip

    Loan IDFirst NameLastnameAddressaddress 2CityStateZip

    1236048Joey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327

    1236048Dickey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327

    1235983Randy Seany xxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018

    1235983Barry Seanyxxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018

    The query I am using










    from Loan AS L

    LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID

    LEFT JOIN Borrower B on B.LoanID = L.LoanID

    LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID

    where S.PrimStat = '1' and B.Deceased = '0'

  • hmm normally addresses are attached to the borrower not the loan. but whatever.

    Without some table structure knowledge (ie: do borrowers have ID's?)

    Anyway something like this below will work, I copied your data into a basic structure so I could test it. Not optimal if you have vast rows, probably not going to be good if a loan has 3 people attached to it, but that's what ya get when you flatten data like this.

    You'll have to add back in your status table, I didn't bother recreating that. And the deceased = 0 I moved into the CTE. You could have used the 'Borrower_cte' as a couple of subquery instead of a CTE. not sure which is faster, but you can test on the full table. That second alternative is below

    with Borrower_cte (loanid, LastName, FirstMiddleName, DRANK)


    (Select loanid, LastName, FirstMiddleName, dense_rank() Over( partition by loanid order by Lastname, FirstMiddleName)

    from dbo.Borrower where Deceased = 0













    from Loan AS L

    LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID

    --LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID

    LEFT outer JOIN Borrower_CTE B1 on L.LoanID = B1.loanid and B1.DRANK = 1

    LEFT outer JOIN Borrower_CTE B2 on L.LoanID = B2.loanid and B2.DRANK = 2

    --where S.PrimStat = '1'

    ---- second alternative:












    from Loan AS L

    LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID

    --LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID

    LEFT outer JOIN (Select loanid, LastName, FirstMiddleName, dense_rank() Over( partition by loanid order by Lastname, FirstMiddleName) as DRANK from dbo.Borrower where Deceased = 0 ) B1 on L.LoanID = B1.loanid and B1.DRANK = 1

    LEFT outer JOIN (Select loanid, LastName, FirstMiddleName, dense_rank() Over( partition by loanid order by Lastname, FirstMiddleName) as DRANK from dbo.Borrower where Deceased = 0 ) B2 on L.LoanID = B2.loanid and B2.DRANK = 2

  • Thank you so much, I will try tomorrow and see if its working, seems like you already tested it and it is working. what output are you getting?

  • Damn already done the clean up, but basically just the two lines as you wished.

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