DateSerial() Equivalent?

  • What is the best formula to do this in SQL?

    This is from Access

    SELECT Year([EndDate]) AS SeasonYear, PersonMembership.EndDate

    FROM PersonMembership

    GROUP BY Year([EndDate]), PersonMembership.EndDate

    HAVING (((PersonMembership.EndDate)>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),6,30)));

  • i found this user defined function that does the same thing:

    SELECT dbo.DateSerial(Year(getdate()),6,30)


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  • Here's one with the same functionality but as an inline table valued function.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.iDateSerial


    @year int ,

    @month int ,

    @day int





    SELECT DATEADD(dd, @day - 1, DATEADD(mm, @month - 1, CAST( @year as CHAR(4)))) AS DateSerial WHERE @year BETWEEN 1900 AND 9999


    SELECT DATEADD(dd, @day - 1, DATEADD(mm, @month - 1, 0)) WHERE @year < 1900


    SELECT DATEADD(dd, @day - 1, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF( mm, 0, @month), - 1)) WHERE @year > 9999;

    In 2012 there's also an available function called DATEFROMPARTS() which works in a similar way.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Thank you! it works!


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