Export to .pdf blank page due to 2 tablix.

  • We recently designed the SQL Server Reports and are experiencing an issue with exporting reports in PDF format.

    Report has 2 tablix , which will be display/hide by parameter values.


    When we generate report from 1st tablix, we are getting blank page at the end of the PDF.

    Good thing when we generate report from 2st tablix, we did not get blank page (at the end) of the PDF.

    We are trying to eliminate the blank page while generate report from 1st tablix.

    Report satisfied the (Body Width + Left margin + Right margin) <= (Page width) & there wont any space between the tablix report design.

    Any guidance on this issue would be appreciated…

  • Hi

    How are your 2 tablix disposed ?

    One under the other ?

    Maybe it is better to put it one over the second and disable the page break on the 2 tablix

    Sometimes it is also better to use a rectangle to manage the display layout.

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

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