Expression needs a false argument, please can you help?

  • This is the expression I have written but computer says NO

    =iif(Fields!Less_than_24_hours_notice.Value = "Yes", iif(Fields!Task_Type.Value <>"Interpreting",0,iif(Fields!Supplier_Code.Value = "P22057" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Aidan Whiting" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Alex Frascina" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Alexander Gibb" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Alex Gibb" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Anna Hobbs" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "F2FInvoices" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Jessica Andrews" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Malgorzata Gabryel" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Michelle Lee" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Sabina Brusemini" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Samantha Gillett" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Stephanie Tindale" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Thomas Brayshaw" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Toosh Panesar" OR Fields!Coordinator.Value = "Zohabe Hussain", 0, iif((Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "N/A" AND Fields!Supplier_Code.Value <>"") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "" AND Fields!Supplier_Code.Value <>"") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "Interpreter Travel costs" AND Fields!Group_Code.Value = "Atos") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "CLIENT - Requested interpreter ONLY to attend") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value="CLIENT - Client can no longer attend") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "CLIENT - GMS cancellation") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value="CLIENT - Limited English Speaker cancelled") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "CLIENT - Needs to know more than 48hrs before") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "CLIENT - Client does not want selected interpreter") OR (Fields!Reason_Booking_Deleted.Value = "Interpreter Travel costs" AND datediff("h",Fields!Booking_Start_Date.Value,"March 01, 2014")<0),1,0))))

  • Your outermost IIf does not have a value for false, you must supply one

    What does the ultimate result of 0 or 1 represent?

    What value do you want to return if Fields!Less_than_24_hours_notice.Value = "Yes" is false?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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