Selecting records from multiple tables

  • Hey i have this query in a proc

    declare @bu_id INT,

    @CurCaptureDate DATETIME,

    @user_id INT,

    @col_name VARCHAR(100),

    @sort_order VARCHAR(4),

    @CityPair_ID INT=NULL,

    @Departure_Code VARCHAR(50)=NULL,

    @Departure_Date DATETIME=NULL,

    @Departure_Date_To DATETIME=NULL,

    @Days_Left INT=NULL,

    @AnalystName VARCHAR(200)=NULL,

    @Reasons VARCHAR(4000)=NULL,

    @SearchOperator VARCHAR(50)=NULL,

    @casesApproved BIT=NULL,

    @Departure_Group_ID INT=NULL,

    @Optimization_Settings_ID INT=NULL,

    @depTimeFrom INT=NULL,

    @depTimeTo INT=NULL,

    @massAdj INT=NULL

    SELECT Case_Id, Case_Number, Case_Primary_Analyst_Id_fk, ( Users.Last_Name + ' ' + Users.First_Name ) AS AnalystName ,

    Case_Departure_Id_fk, D.Departure_Code, Departure_OriginalDate , Case_CityPair_Id_fk, CityPair_Name, LEFT(Datename(DW,getdate()) ,3) AS DOW ,

    DCCC.Departure_Detail_Capture_Days_Left AS Days_left , Rev.Adjusted_Revenue, Rev.Adjusted_Revenue_Gain , Rev.Recommended_Revenue ,

    Rev.Recommended_Revenue_Gain , cd.Case_Importance, df.Case_Followup_Days_Left, d.Departure_Active, cd.Case_Reminder, cd.Case_Approve ,

    CD.Case_Creation_Date, ISNULL(cd.Case_Reminder, 0) , DCCC.Booked_Percent, DCCC.Departure_Detail_Capture_Equipment_Id_fk ,

    dd.Departure_Detail_Departure_OriginalTime , CD.NegativeAuth , CSS.Case_Status, Crs.Case_Reason

    FROM Case_Details(nolock) CD JOIN PO_CUR_CAP_DEPARTURES(nolock) D

    ON CD.Case_Departure_Id_fk =d.Departure_Id

    JOIN Routes (NOLOCK)

    ON Routes.Route_Id =D.Departure_RouteId_fk

    AND Routes.Route_CityPair_fk =CD.Case_CityPair_Id_fk


    ON D.Departure_Id = DD.Departure_Detail_Departure_Id_fk

    AND Departure_Detail_Leg_Seg_Type = 'Leg'


    ON DCCC.Departure_Detail_Capture_Depature_Details_Id_fk= DD.Departure_Detail_Id

    JOIN City_Pairs cp (NOLOCK)

    ON cd.Case_CityPair_Id_fk= CP.CityPair_Id

    JOIN USERS (nolock)

    ON USERS.User_Count_Id= Cd.Case_Primary_Analyst_Id_fk


    LEFT JOIN Case_Status_Summary CSS

    ON css.Case_Id_Fk= cd.Case_Id

    LEFT JOIN Case_Reasons_Summary CrS

    ON CrS.Case_Id_Fk= cd.Case_Id

    LEFT JOIN Revenue (nolock) Rev

    on Rev.Revenue_Id = cd.Case_Revenue_Id_fk

    LEFTJOIN Departure_Followups Df

    ON CD.Case_Id = Df.Case_Id_fk

    where CD.CaptureDate = @CurCaptureDate

    AND CD.IS_MassAdjustment IN(0,2)

    AND (Case_Primary_Analyst_Id_fk = ISNULL(@user_id,Case_Primary_Analyst_Id_fk) OR Case_Secondary_Analyst_ID_fk= ISNULL(@user_id,Case_Secondary_Analyst_ID_fk))

    AND CD.Case_CityPair_Id_fk = ISNULL(@CityPair_ID,CD.Case_CityPair_Id_fk)

    AND D.Departure_Code = ISNULL(@Departure_Code,D.Departure_Code)

    AND CD.Case_Approve = ISNULL(@casesApproved,CD.Case_Approve)

    AND D.Departure_OriginalDate Between ISNULL(@Departure_Date,'2000-01-01') AND ISNULL(@Departure_Date_To ,'2099-12-31')

    AND DCCC.Departure_Detail_Capture_Days_Left = ISNULL(@Days_Left,DCCC.Departure_Detail_Capture_Days_Left)

    AND Crs.Case_Reason = ISNULL(@Reasons,Crs.Case_Reason)

    AND Users.Last_Name = ISNULL(@AnalystName,Users.Last_Name)

    AND CD.IS_MassAdjustment = ISNULL(@massAdj,CD.IS_MassAdjustment)

    AND Rev.Recommended_Revenue_Gain >=(SELECT Threshold_Revenue FROM SYSTEM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS(NOLOCK))

    where @reasons and @departure_code can be multiple.. can you please help me write a good query for this.

  • Please if anyone can help me optimizing this where clause where i need not use these multiple isnull checks

  • This is one of the few cases where dynamic SQL should be considered.

    Take a look at this [/url]article on the subject, particularly the 'dynamic SQL' bit.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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