Re-writing NOT IN for Access query

  • Hi everyone. I have the following SQL query written for an Access database, but have bene told that NOT IN is very efficient unless you are simply listing values. I'd therefore like to re-write it.

    SELECT Clients.ReportName, Consultants.ShortName AS [Consultant]



    LEFT JOIN Consultants ON Clients.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef

    WHERE Clients.ClientRef NOT IN


    SELECT Clients.Clientref

    FROM (((((Clients

    LEFT JOIN Consultants ON Clients.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef)

    LEFT JOIN Policies ON Clients.ClientRef = Policies.ClientRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnPremiums ON Policies.PolicyRef = CommnPremiums.PolicyRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnEntries ON CommnEntries.CommnPremRef = CommnPremiums.CommnPremRef)

    LEFT JOIN Schemes ON Policies.SchemeRef = Schemes.SchemeRef)

    WHERE (ABS(Policies.OnRisk)=1 AND ABS(Policies.Status)=1)

    AND CommnEntries.Type IN (3, 5)


    AND Clients.ClientRef NOT IN


    SELECT Clients.Clientref

    FROM ((((((((Clients

    LEFT JOIN Consultants ON Clients.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef)

    LEFT JOIN Policies ON Clients.ClientRef = Policies.ClientRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnPremiums ON Policies.PolicyRef = CommnPremiums.PolicyRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnEntries ON CommnEntries.CommnPremRef = CommnPremiums.CommnPremRef)

    LEFT JOIN ACOffsets ON ACOffsets.FKeyRef = CommnEntries.CommnEntryRef)

    LEFT JOIN ACOffsetLinks ON ACOffsetLinks.ACOffsetRef = ACOffsets.ACOffsetRef)

    LEFT JOIN Fees ON ACOffsetLinks.FeeRef = Fees.FeeRef)

    LEFT JOIN Schemes ON Policies.SchemeRef = Schemes.SchemeRef)

    WHERE (ABS(Policies.OnRisk)=1 AND ABS(Policies.Status)=1)

    AND Fees.TypeOfService = 3


    ORDER BY Clients.ReportName

    I started experimenting with NOT EXISTS, but this doesn't appear to work. For example, I took the first NOT IN sub query and tried to turn it into a basic NOT EXISTS. But the below doesn't return any records.

    SELECT * FROM Clients



    SELECT Clients.ClientRef

    FROM (((((Clients

    LEFT JOIN Consultants ON Clients.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef)

    LEFT JOIN Policies ON Clients.ClientRef = Policies.ClientRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnPremiums ON Policies.PolicyRef = CommnPremiums.PolicyRef)

    LEFT JOIN CommnEntries ON CommnEntries.CommnPremRef = CommnPremiums.CommnPremRef)

    LEFT JOIN Schemes ON Policies.SchemeRef = Schemes.SchemeRef)

    WHERE CommnEntries.Type IN (3, 5)

    GROUP BY Clients.ClientRef

    The subquery part returns one record when run on its own. The database has 4 client records, so I would expect the results to show 3 records. But it returns nothing. Am I misunderstanding how NOT EXISTS works?

    Sorry if all this isn't clear but I'm not the best at MS Access syntax.



  • All those outer joins in sub-queries are enough to confuse anyone.

    Try something like:

    SELECT C.ReportName, E.ShortName AS Consultant

    FROM Clients C

    LEFT JOIN Consultants E

    ON C.ConsultantRef = E.ConsultantRef



    SELECT 1

    FROM Policies P

    WHERE P.ClientRef = C.ClientRef

    AND ABS(P.OnRisk) = 1

    AND ABS(P.[Status]) = 1



    SELECT 1

    FROM CommnEntries CE



    SELECT 1

    FROM CommnPremiums CP

    WHERE CP.CommnPremRef = CE.CommnPremRef

    AND CP.PolicyRef = P.PolicyRef




    CE.[Type] IN (3, 5)



    SELECT 1

    FROM ACOffsets AO

    WHERE AO.FKeyRef = CE.CommnEntryRef



    SELECT 1

    FROM ACOffsetLinks AL

    WHERE AL.ACOffsetRef = AO.ACOffsetRef



    SELECT 1

    FROM Fees F

    WHERE F.FeeRef = AL.FeeRef

    AND F.TypeOfService = 3







    If you cannot get it to work then post sample data, in consumable format, along with the results you expect for the sample data.

    As this is a Microsoft SQL Server site, I am assuming your backend is SQL Server.

  • Hi Ken. That's great, many thanks for that. Much appreciated. The backend is actually Access, but I use these forums for SQL Server queries, so assumed this particular forum seection was specifically for Access queries. If not, I apologise.



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