XML namespace on 2012, why it's ..../2005/01/reportdefinition"

  • Hi,

    I start new project, it's @@version=Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (X64).

    I tried to get list of all sp like in Jacob's blog and noticed that my xml has ns like below iwth /2005/, so I need to adjust code to 2005 in order to get my list.

    maybe it's because they were migrated (?). No Idea

    <Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition"




    Then I moved to my own machine with same 2012, build fresh rdl and notice that it's 2008/01/reportdefinition, is it OK? Looks like namespace 2008 used in 2012 server... What is going on.. do I need to worry about this?

    Thanks much


    I just want to check how good/bad it is. Is it good idea to rebuild all rdl???

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