business intelligence

  • Hi,

    I have installed visual studio 2013 express and sql server 2014 developer.

    I do not see Data Tools in the windows , start, programs menu. Is there something else I have to install to be able to use Business Intelligence?

    Thank you

  • SSDT (formerly BIDS) isn't included on the SQL Server CD anymore. You need to install it seperately (as I understand it).



  • robert.gerald.taylor (6/12/2015)

    SSDT (formerly BIDS) isn't included on the SQL Server CD anymore. You need to install it seperately (as I understand it).




    Installed it but not sure how to open it as I do not see a link to it in the program menu.

    Any thoughts please?


  • I think it also depends on which version of SSDT you installed. If you installed SSDT for VS 2013 and you already had VS 2013 installed I think it just adds the project types to Visual Studio, so you may not see a separate link for it. However if Visual Studio is not installed it installs the Visual Studio shell and the project templates.

    Do you not see anything when you go to create a new project?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Joie Andrew (6/13/2015)

    I think it also depends on which version of SSDT you installed. If you installed SSDT for VS 2013 and you already had VS 2013 installed I think it just adds the project types to Visual Studio, so you may not see a separate link for it. However if Visual Studio is not installed it installs the Visual Studio shell and the project templates.

    Do you not see anything when you go to create a new project?

    in the visual studio community 2013 I do not see a link to business intelligence or data tools.

  • What type of project are you trying to create? Can you post a screenshot of the project types you have available in Visual Studio?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Joie Andrew (6/14/2015)

    What type of project are you trying to create? Can you post a screenshot of the project types you have available in Visual Studio?

    Basically there is nothing about ssis or data tools as a project.

    I only see things like windows, web, wpf windows or windows forms, etc.


  • Did you try installing the following?

    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • It is important to note that SSDT is a little bit of an ambiguous term. SSDT is included on the SQL Server 2012/2014 media, but it is concerned with adding database project types. SSDT-BI is what BIDS once was and is now an external download. I personally think this leads to all kinds of confusion.

    I think I read on the SQL Server 2016 data sheet that Microsoft is combining the SSDT/SSDT-BI products into the same component to help remove some of the confusion.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

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