Date Order

  • Hi,

    Sorry If I am posting in the wrong forum 🙁

    I have got a report and everything looks okay except it shows wrong order date. it starts from 01,02,03 but I think it should show the result like this

    26,27,28 etc and it shows me 01,02,03,26,27,28. in my sql query I used convert(varchar(20), DateEntered(106) when I change it then it breaks date column looks in the report.

    Can please someone guide me how to fix this issue?


  • You have many options to change the way dates are displayed in reporting services: just change the formatting options of the date field in the report.

    As far as the sort order is concerned, treating dates as dates is the only way to ensure that the proper order relationship is preserved.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • The issue is with date sort order. it sorts it in lower number first then higher date it is a weekly report but when the month change and if I run the report the date now then it would start from 01jun,02jun 27May,28,May,29May.


  • yusufm 48726 (6/3/2015)

    The issue is with date sort order. it sorts it in lower number first then higher date it is a weekly report but when the month change and if I run the report the date now then it would start from 01jun,02jun 27May,28,May,29May.


    Do you convert your datetime datatype in sql and pass back the string to the report? The order you are displaying is ordered correctly for characters. This is why you should leave ALL formatting to the front end. If you return the correct datatype from sql and let your report sort it and format it you will be able to solve this easily and quickly.


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  • You need to sort the data by the actual date, not the date converted to varchar.

    In the report,you can display the converted date.

    Alvin Ramard
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  • Thanks Alvin Ramard, I changed the query convert for date.

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