Report Name for subscription set to Yesterday

  • I know I can use @TimeStamp to add the current date/time to a file name from a subscription. Is there a quick built in function where I can set the filename to yesterdays date?

    Unfortunately I am using SQL Standard edition 2014 (I know I could do this with Enterprise and data driven subscriptions).

    I am grateful for any help.

  • There's not on Standard, no.

    I execute a stored procedure prior to the RS Execution, which another one of the DBAs we have made, which is as follows:

    Create Proc [dbo].[UpdateRSOutputFile_sp] (@NewFileName varchar(100),

    @ReportName varchar(100)) as

    --ReportName = Name of report as show on server

    --NewFileName = Desired new name for file. Exclude file Extension if you are automatically including this via the subscription settings.

    UPDATE ReportServer..Subscriptions

    SET ExtensionSettings = Left(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),cast(CHARINDEX('FILENAME',ExtensionSettings) as int)+21)

    + @NewFileName +

    right(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),len(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max))) - len(left(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),len(LEft(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),cast(CHARINDEX('FILENAME',ExtensionSettings) as int)+21)) + cast(CHARINDEX('</',right(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),len(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max))) - len(LEft(cast(ExtensionSettings as varchar(max)),cast(CHARINDEX('FILENAME',ExtensionSettings) as int)+21)))) as int)-1)))

    FROM ReportServer..[Catalog] C

    join ReportServer..ReportSchedule RS on C.ItemID = RS.ReportID

    WHERE RS.SubscriptionID = Subscriptions.SubscriptionID

    AND Name = @ReportName

    and DeliveryExtension = 'Report Server FileShare'

    Note that if you have a report with multiple subscriptions, this'll update them all. It's not an issue for us 9actually it's an advantage), but if you don't want it to do that, you'll need to make an amendment to ensure you update the right one.

    Hope that helps.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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