Results in my new query window

  • Guys I have looked all over the web for this and maybe its the way im asking the question but I need help. Can anyone tell me when i open a new query window in microsoft sql server management studio 2012 and create the query when i hit execute how do i get the full results to display at the bottom of the window instead of it just telling me it completed successfully how do i actually view the real results? I would really appreciate help on this thanks

    here is a pic i circled what i was trying to explain about seeing the actual results of the query instead of what im getting

  • Well, that is the result of that particular query. You inserted a single row of data into a table and SQL Server reported 1 row inserted.

    If you had surrounded the insert query with SET NOCOUNT ON and SET NOCOUNT OFF, you wouldn't have seen that even.

  • For an insert query, those are the full results. You're seeing exactly what you should. You inserted a row. It was completed successfully. An insert doesn't return data.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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