DB Mirroring Issue

  • [p]I have been chasing an issue with using mirror of one of my production databases and it’s mirroring partner. The problem is that at what seems to be random times of the day on my mirroring partner server the I am getting “Login Failed for User ‘Webuser-x’ Reason: Could not find a login matching name provided. The mirroring partner is not an active server, it’s only used for mirroring with SQL Server. This issue follows the mirroring partner server, because I had mirroring set up on a different server and this same problem occurred when the mirroring server was hosting this production mirroring database. I have several other production databases being mirrored and they do not have this problem.[/p]

    There is no Witness used with this mirroring configuration, and below is the endpoint setup

    Principal Server Setup:

    CREATE ENDPOINT [DB_Mirroring]


    AS TCP ( LISTENER_PORT = 7057 )


    Mirrored Server Setup:

    CREATE ENDPOINT [DB_Mirroring]


    AS TCP ( LISTENER_PORT = 7058 )


    [p]When the issue occurs it seems that all the available connections on my production server are tied up, so somehow it’s attempting to connect to the mirroring server to fulfill the data request?!? I don't know what else to check, the production server is not showing any errors.[/p]

  • Just curious. Is your system fully patched? MSSQL and Windows? ...

  • :ermm:

    Yes & No .. The main production unit is a MS Server 2003 (needing updates) but the failover server is in process of being replaced. The Mirrored Instances are fully upgraded & patched. There are two DB's being mirrored on the production server, and only one is having the issues. :unsure:

    I was wondering if it was because the DB having the issue was too busy to handle any requests and was handed off to the mirror?

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