IF the test-path result is not correct, I don't want to see error mg, instead try max retires and then throw message

  • Hello,

    IF the test-path result is not correct, I don't want to see error mg, instead try max retires and then throw message.


    function checkfilelocation()


    $retrycount = 0

    $retries = 5

    $val = 0

    #$args.ErrorAction = "Stop"

    while ($val -ne 5)




    $PATH = read-host "Enter the complete path to read from the file: [i.e. ""C:\test\filepath.ini""; Dont include "" ""]"

    IF($PATH -ne '')


    write-host $PATH -ForegroundColor red

    IF (-NOT (Test-Path -path $PATH))


    #Throw "$($PATH) is not a valid folder"


    write-host $bol -ForegroundColor red




    write-host "Retry the path of the file once more!!" -ForegroundColor red

    #write-host $val;



    print $val


    catch [System.Exception]


    write-host "Error."

    write-host $error[0].Exception.ToString()




    write-host "You did not enter the path of the file. So BREAKING.." -ForegroundColor CYAN



  • Check a success flag outside of the loop to output messages.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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