Error with backupset

  • I have an hourly job that I run that uses SnapManager to back up our databases and transfer snapshot differentials to a DR site. Earlier today, the job "failed" with the following error:

    >Description: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__backupse__21F79AAB792B85D3'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.backupset'. The duplicate key value is (154048).

    Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful.

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 204493 pages in 34.770 seconds (45.947 MB/sec).

    The statement has been terminated.


    Backup Group: Failed with error 0xc00408d3

    As far as I can tell, the backup worked and the data was transferred. The only issue seems to be when it tried to update the backupset table, it tried to insert a duplicate key value.

    I've done some Google searching any most of the people who've reported the same problem have reported issues like msdb throwing errors in DBCC, or file system problems. So far I'm not seeing anything... ran DBCC against msdb and it came back clean. The job has run a few times since this error and reported no issues. So it seems like a one time thing.

    I am just hoping someone here might be able to offer some ideas as to what to look for... why this happened, and what else do I need to look at?

    I am running SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008R2.

  • As another SnapMgr user, do you get the issue with full backups or change any config recently? I have had the case with SnapMgr that I had re-run a full to sync everything back up after changes on the instance like removing or adding DBs.

    Personally I don't do with Diff's on SnapMgr, but thought I'd add my $.02. SnapMgr is great sometimes and other times it can be a pain to work with. Good luck.

  • greg.celentano (3/27/2015)

    As another SnapMgr user, do you get the issue with full backups or change any config recently? I have had the case with SnapMgr that I had re-run a full to sync everything back up after changes on the instance like removing or adding DBs.

    Personally I don't do with Diff's on SnapMgr, but thought I'd add my $.02. SnapMgr is great sometimes and other times it can be a pain to work with. Good luck.

    We do full backups every hour during the business day. We've only ever done full; they happen so fast that diffs don't seem worth it.

    There haven't been any config changes in at least a couple of months. The error has only occurred once, and we've had 26 backups since that time without issue.

    I do DBCC checks every night and those have come up clean; nothing else in the log that seems unusual. Gremlins?

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