sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats return wrong data

  • Hi guys,

    Last night I had to rebuild two indexes on very large db (>1TB) Luckily I could do it in online mode and it didn’t take too long ~40min.

    Obviously after this task I wanted to check how index fragmentation was improved. And famous dmf sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats instead returning 3 indexes which are on that table, returned 1 with completely useless information, most of columns with zeros.

    What it is even more surprising I could get valid and expected data about all 3 indexes from the snapshot of that db which we are able to perform and mirror to another SAN and SQL Server.

    Have you experienced this behaviour of sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats before?

    Just to add, my SQL Server 2008 has latest patches (the lastest one before SP4)

  • Could you give us the full query you're using to return data from the DMV?


  • Sure:

    SELECT, f.*

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(10, 165575628, null, DEFAULT, 'sampled') as f

    join sys.indexes i

    on f.index_id = i.index_id

    where i.object_id = 165575628

  • USE DETAILED instead of 'sample'.. You will get all the column values..

  • Make sure you're running it in the right database context if you're using a hard coded object_id in the where clause (just defining it in the function isn't enough).

    There's a missing condtion from the join too:

    join sys.indexes i

    on f.index_id = i.index_id AND i.object_id = f.object_id

    I'd run it with LIMITED mode as well unless you need the extra details.


  • Thanks guys for your input.

    I was trying all function parameters however with sampled I should have got also proper result set, so 3 indexes.

    Of course my query could have been written with all join conditions which may be found in both views, however by providing object_id we should get the the same values, which was just enough.

    And the last thing which I would like to underline, I have got the proper resultset from my query but on standby system. We take a snapshot of the volume where the db is located and attach this volume to another SQL Server on daily basis.

    The problem is I cannot get information about fragmentation of those 3 indexes on productions system :doze:

    Resultset from standby system:

    name database_id object_id index_id partition_number index_type_desc alloc_unit_type_desc index_depth index_level avg_fragmentation_in_percent

    ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------------

    index1 10 165575628 1 1 CLUSTERED INDEX IN_ROW_DATA 4 0 17.9237071009251

    index2 10 165575628 2 1 NONCLUSTERED INDEX IN_ROW_DATA 5 0 16.5687676634959

    index3 10 165575628 5 1 NONCLUSTERED INDEX IN_ROW_DATA 4 0 1.69726435496554

    Resultset from production system:

    name database_id object_id index_id partition_number index_type_desc alloc_unit_type_desc index_depth index_level avg_fragmentation_in_percent

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------------

    index2 10 165575628 2 1 NONCLUSTERED INDEX IN_ROW_DATA 0 0 0

    I removed rest of coulmns from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats which are not so vital in my here.

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