Running Totals

  • I wonder if someone could help me calculate a running total.

    I am converting this from an existing excel solution so i know what i am aiming for.

    I am trying to use LAG to get the values from the previous row butt he calculation in nat matching my target. I think i need to use the result from the previous row in the lag column but that doesnt look possible.

    Any help apreciated.

    use tempdb;

    --Create Temp Table

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#WareHouseData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #WareHouseData

    CREATE TABLE #WareHouseData




    OpenningWareHouseUnits INT,

    FcastSales INT,

    GoodsIncoming INT,

    TargetRunningStock INT


    --Fill It With example Data

    --OpenningWareHouseUnits only exists in the first week

    --Fcast sales can be in any week though normally all weeks

    --Goods Incoming can be in any weeks

    INSERT INTO #WareHouseData











































    --Match The Target Runing Stock Total

    --I need to match the TargetRunningStock Totals

    --This can be recreated in excel by pasting the columns


    --Into cell A1 with headers, and pasting this formula

    -- =IF(C2="",IF((F1-D2+E2)<0,0,(F1-D2+E2)),(C2-D2+E2)) into cell F2

    SELECT w.ItemId






    ,CASE WHEN w.OpenningWareHouseUnits IS NOT NULL

    THEN (ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0) - ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0))

    ELSE CASE WHEN ((((LAG(ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID))-

    (LAG(ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)) +

    (LAG(ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)))) -

    ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0)) < 0

    THEN 0

    ELSE ((((LAG(ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID))-

    (LAG(ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)) +

    (LAG(ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0),1) OVER (PARTITION BY w.ItemId ORDER BY w.ItemId,w.DateID)))) -

    ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0))


    END CalculatedRunningStock

    FROM #WareHouseData w

    ORDER BY w.ItemId


  • Can you try this version and see if this works for you?

    SELECT w.ItemId






    , SUM(TargetRunningStock) over (partition by ItemId order by DateID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as RunningTotal

    FROM #WareHouseData w

    ORDER BY w.ItemId



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  • Sorry i should have been more clear

    This problem is coming from an excel based solution that is now being converted to SQLServer, And the TargetRunningStock was calculated in excel and imported into the temp table here just to help confirm i am getting the right results in the CalculatedRunningStock.

  • Your statement of the problem, even with a second posting, isn't making sense to me, especially given the data you have provided. I/we need one more thing: expected output for the given input.

    I also HIGHLY recommend this post from Aaron Bertrand:

    Fabiano Amorim has a 3-part series on Windowing Functions on that is a great help too.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Quick partial solution, missing the handling of negative stock count though.


    SELECT w.ItemId






    , SUM((ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0) + ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0)) - w.FcastSales) OVER



    ORDER BY w.DateID




    FROM #WareHouseData w

    ORDER BY w.ItemId



    ItemId DateID OpenningWareHouseUnits FcastSales GoodsIncoming TargetRunningStock ITEM_RT_STOCK

    ----------- ----------- ---------------------- ----------- ------------- ------------------ -------------

    123456 201450 300 50 NULL 250 250

    123456 201451 NULL 60 NULL 190 190

    123456 201452 NULL 70 100 220 220

    123456 201501 NULL 80 NULL 140 140

    123456 201502 NULL 100 100 140 140

    123456 201503 NULL 105 NULL 35 35

    123456 201504 NULL 100 100 35 35

    123456 201505 NULL 95 NULL 0 -60

    123456 201506 NULL 30 100 70 10

    123456 201507 NULL 20 NULL 50 -10

    123456 201508 NULL 5 NULL 45 -15

    123456 201509 NULL 5 NULL 40 -20

    123456 201510 NULL 5 NULL 35 -25

    369258 201450 1000 100 NULL 900 900

    369258 201451 NULL 100 NULL 800 800

    369258 201452 NULL 100 NULL 700 700

    369258 201501 NULL 100 NULL 600 600

    369258 201502 NULL 100 NULL 500 500

    369258 201503 NULL 100 NULL 400 400

    369258 201504 NULL 100 NULL 300 300

    369258 201505 NULL 100 NULL 200 200

    369258 201506 NULL 100 NULL 100 100

    369258 201507 NULL 100 500 500 500

    369258 201508 NULL 100 NULL 400 400

    369258 201509 NULL 100 NULL 300 300

    369258 201510 NULL 100 NULL 200 200

    987654 201450 200 10 NULL 190 190

    987654 201451 NULL 20 NULL 170 170

    987654 201452 NULL 30 NULL 140 140

    987654 201501 NULL 20 NULL 120 120

    987654 201502 NULL 10 NULL 110 110

    987654 201503 NULL 50 NULL 60 60

    987654 201504 NULL 60 NULL 0 0

    987654 201505 NULL 70 100 30 30

    987654 201506 NULL 70 80 40 40

    987654 201507 NULL 80 100 60 60

    987654 201508 NULL 30 NULL 30 30

    987654 201509 NULL 20 NULL 10 10

    987654 201510 NULL 20 NULL 0 -10

  • I will take a look at the Running total link you have sent

    but just to make things clear the TargetRunningStock is the expected output i am trying to get in the CalculatedRunningStock column.

    The data is a small sample of what typically is about 1000 items over a 52 weeks period.

    The excel solution this is coming from is going to be replaced by a TSQl solution and the running Stock needs to be calculated as it was in the excel solution.

    I can get the solution using cursors


    DECLARE @rt INT, @ItemId INT, @DateID INT, @OpenningWareHouseUnits INT, @FcastSalesINT, @GoodsIncoming INT, @CalculatedRunningStock INT;

    SET @rt = 0;


    FOR SELECT w.ItemId


    ,ISNULL(w.OpenningWareHouseUnits,0) as OpenningWareHouseUnits

    ,ISNULL(w.FcastSales,0) as FcastSales

    ,ISNULL(w.GoodsIncoming,0) as GoodsIncoming


    FROM #WareHouseData w

    ORDER BY w.ItemId


    OPEN c;

    FETCH c INTO @ItemId, @DateID, @OpenningWareHouseUnits, @FcastSales, @GoodsIncoming, @CalculatedRunningStock;



    SET @rt = CASE WHEN CASE WHEN @OpenningWareHouseUnits > 0

    THEN (@OpenningWareHouseUnits - @FcastSales + @GoodsIncoming)

    ELSE (@rt - @FcastSales + @GoodsIncoming)

    END < 0

    THEN 0

    ELSE CASE WHEN @OpenningWareHouseUnits > 0

    THEN (@OpenningWareHouseUnits - @FcastSales + @GoodsIncoming)

    ELSE (@rt - @FcastSales + @GoodsIncoming)



    UPDATE #WareHouseData

    SET CalculatedRunningStock = @rt

    WHERE ItemId = @ItemId AND DateiD = @DateID

    FETCH c INTO @ItemId, @DateID, @OpenningWareHouseUnits, @FcastSales, @GoodsIncoming, @CalculatedRunningStock;










    FROM #WareHouseData w

    ORDER BY w.ItemId


    but this is not ideal (due to scaling) and the LAG functions look promising but they fail after the first couple of rows. It looks like i would need to reference the previous row of the the CalculatedRunningStock but i dont believe its possible to use LAG to self reference.

  • ThanKS Eirikur Eiriksson thats close, ill see if i can get your version to match the expected output even on the negatives.

  • NumptySpence (1/12/2015)

    I can get the solution using cursors

    If you find yourself saying this in SQL, it's usually the wrong way.

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • What is the reporting or presentation tool that is replacing Excel? Something like Crystal or SSRS?

    Don Simpson

    I'm not sure about Heisenberg.

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