UPDATE table

  • Hello to all,

    I need to create a query that updates table as follows:

    -- tables involved --




    -- Important columns --










    -- Objective --

    - I need to find all International Parts from the [Parts] table that are not present in the [InternationalParts]

    And where the [Parts].[SuppliersName] <> [InternationalSuppliers].[Name] or [Parts].[SuppliersLongName] <> [InternationalSuppliers].[LongName]

    Then we want to update the [Parts].[SuppliersName] and [Parts].[SuppliersLongName] columns WITH the values respectively from [InternationalSuppliers].[Name] and [InternationalSuppliers].[LongName]

    that we found.

    TIPS:to know what are the Parts from the [Parts] table which are International types:

    [Part].[Type] = 1

    TIPS: [Parts] and [InternationalParts] are linked with [Parts].[InternationPartsID] = [InternationalParts].[InternalPartID]

    TIPS: [Parts] and [InternationalSuppliers] are linked with [Parts].[SupplierNumber] = [InternationalSupplier].[Number]


    SQL SOLUTION so far ...


    UPDATE [Parts] SET

    [Parts].[SupplierName] = [InternationalSupplier].[Name] ,

    [Parts].[SupplierLongName] = [InternationalSupplier].[LongName]

    FROM (

    SELECT [Parts].[SupplierName], [Parts].[SupplierLongName], [InternationalSupplier].[Name], [InternationalSupplier].[LongName]

    from [InternationalSupplier]

    INNER JOIN [Parts]

    ON [InternationalSupplier].[Number] = [Part].[SupplierNumber]

    WHERE [Part].[SupplierName] <> [InternationalSupplier].[ShortName] and

    [Part].[SupplierName] <> [InternationalSupplier].[LongName]



    I'm not sure how to and where to code the other part of the condition which "International Parts from the [Parts] table that ARE NOT PRESENT in the [InternationalParts]"

    and to know what are the Parts from the [Parts] table which are International types:

    [Part].[Type] = 1

    Thanks in advance for any valuable tips !

  • I would left join to [InternationalParts] and then have a where for the missing matches

  • Thanks for the fast reply djj. I also found out the following suggestions on another forum:

    I will first try the following logic:








    INNER JOIN dbo.InternationalSupplier ON Parts.InternationPartsID = InternationalParts.InternalPartID


    Parts.Type = 1

    AND (ISNULL(Parts.SuppliersName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.Name, '') OR ISNULL(Parts.SuppliersLongName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.LongName, ''))

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.InternationalParts WHERE Parts.InternationPartsID = InternationalParts

    Then i will actuall try the update:

    UPDATE dbo.Parts


    SuppliersName = (CASE WHEN ISNULL(SuppliersName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.Name, '') THEN ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.Name, '') END)

    ,SuppliersLongName = (CASE WHEN ISNULL(Parts.SuppliersLongName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.LongName, '') THEN ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.LongName, '') END)



    INNER JOIN dbo.InternationalSupplier ON Parts.InternationPartsID = InternationalParts.InternalPartID


    Parts.Type = 1

    AND (ISNULL(Parts.SuppliersName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.Name, '') OR ISNULL(Parts.SuppliersLongName, '') <> ISNULL(InternationalSuppliers.LongName, ''))

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.InternationalParts WHERE Parts.InternationPartsID = InternationalParts.InternationalPartID)

  • By the way could any of you help me make my update sql code work please as for i receive the following error message: Line 30: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    UPDATE dbo.Part

    SET SupplierShortName = NationalSupplier.ShortName,

    SupplierLongName = NationalSupplier.LongName

    from(SELECT *

    FROM dbo.Part

    JOIN dbo.NationalSupplier

    ON Part.SupplierNumber = NationalSupplier.Number

    AND (ISNULL(Part.SupplierShortName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.ShortName,'')

    OR ISNULL(Part.SupplierLongName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.LongName,''))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.NationalPart

    ON Part.NationalPartID = NationalPart.NationalPartID

    WHERE Part.DWCreationEntityID = 1

    AND NationalPart.NationalPartID is NULL)

  • sargon.le.grand (12/16/2014)

    By the way could any of you help me make my update sql code work please as for i receive the following error message: Line 30: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    UPDATE dbo.Part

    SET SupplierShortName = NationalSupplier.ShortName,

    SupplierLongName = NationalSupplier.LongName

    from(SELECT *

    FROM dbo.Part

    JOIN dbo.NationalSupplier

    ON Part.SupplierNumber = NationalSupplier.Number

    AND (ISNULL(Part.SupplierShortName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.ShortName,'')

    OR ISNULL(Part.SupplierLongName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.LongName,''))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.NationalPart

    ON Part.NationalPartID = NationalPart.NationalPartID

    WHERE Part.DWCreationEntityID = 1

    AND NationalPart.NationalPartID is NULL)

    I would think that you need to have dbo.Part in the FROM. This is not exact but something like this:

    UPDATE Part

    SET SupplierShortName = NS.ShortName,

    SupplierLongName = NS.LongName

    from dbo.Part Part


    (SELECT *

    FROM dbo.Part

    JOIN dbo.NationalSupplier ON Part.SupplierNumber = NationalSupplier.Number

    AND (ISNULL(Part.SupplierShortName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.ShortName,'')

    OR ISNULL(Part.SupplierLongName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.LongName,''))

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.NationalPart ON Part.NationalPartID = NationalPart.NationalPartID

    WHERE Part.DWCreationEntityID = 1

    AND NationalPart.NationalPartID is NULL) AS NS ON Part.xxx = NS.xxx

    Also I would suggest using alias values for the two part table names.

  • Thanks !

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