MDX Calculation for MTD comparison to last year, but only for stores that were active both years

  • I need to compare MTD numbers (and other time periods such as last 4 weeks, YTD) to last year, but only want to include sales in the current period for stores that were open for the full period last year.

    For example:

    This year MTD: 12/1/2014 - 12/3/2014

    Last year MTD: 12/1/2013 - 12/3/2014

    Stores 1 and 2 were opened on 11/1/2013, but store 3 opened on 12/3/2014 so it's data will be omitted from the calculation.

    Store Date Units

    1 12/1/2013 3

    2 12/1/2013 6

    1 12/2/2013 2

    2 12/2/2013 8

    1 12/3/2013 4

    2 12/3/2013 7

    3 12/3/2013 11

    1 12/1/2014 3

    2 12/1/2014 6

    3 12/1/2014 9

    1 12/2/2014 4

    2 12/2/2014 6

    3 12/2/2014 9

    1 12/3/2014 4

    2 12/3/2014 7

    3 12/3/2014 10

    CY LY [+/-]

    Store 1: 11 9 [+2]

    Store 2: 19 21 [-2]

    Store 3: 19 28 [N/A] --N/A because it wasn't open for the full MTD period last year.

    I came up with a method to accomplish this with a stored procedure, but I'd like to utilize MDX calculations (similar to the Time Intelligence Wizard output) right in the cube.

    Has anyone worked on something similar?

  • I don't have it in front of me right but, but I'd be surprised if MDX Solutions (Webb et al) didn't cover something similar.


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