Need to REVOKE SELECT on all tables for all users in a database

  • I am trying to clean up security. When I check tables in a specific database I see a list of users with select access. There are 1000+ tables in the database. I know I can do

    'revoke select on table_name to user_name' , but I was hoping there was another way around this.

    Any ideas?

  • REVOKE would remove a GRANT that was already created;

    you can get that list from sys.database_permissions, and script the DENY's from there.

    but what about users who were simpyl added to the db_datareader role? maybe you want to remove their memebership, or

    maybe you want to DENY SELECt on all objects, regardless ?


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  • My understanding of SQL security is somewhat limited, but I am trying to get a handle on it.

    Yes, I think I would probably want to deny select on all objects. I think my next step will be to create a role where I will grant select access to this role on specific tables. Then grant the role to specific users. Make sense?

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