Out of memory error

  • Hello,

    I'm tring to generate a report via SSRS. the data source of my report is a cube I've already done. I'm creating some parameters for my report. it works for the 5 parameters. But when I add the sixth one I have an "out of memory" error. I have 24GB of RAM and I think it is more than enought for my reports. But I wondered if all this memory was allocated to ssrs so I wanted to configure the memory for it in this file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERBO\Reporting Services\ReportServer \RSReportServer.config , but I can't even find C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERBO this folder. All I have are these ones 80,90,100,110.

    Please help me. I really don't know what to do. I will be gratefull for any help. thank you

  • Hello, I've found the RSReportService.config file and set the <WorkingSetMaximum> and <WorkingSetMinimum>as below:



    But I still have the error. Any help?

  • Are you running the report from the Reporting Services web page, or in Visual Studio/BIDS/SSDT?

  • Thank you Gazareth for your answer.

    I'm running my report from visual studio.

  • You may be hitting the memory limits on your development machine as VS is 32-bit.

    I don't use SSDT or RS 2012 so can't confirm it happens there but I used to get this a lot using BIDS/SQL 2008.

    My solution then was to deploy to the Report Server web site & run from there.

    You can put it in a hidden folder or restrict access to just yourself if you don't want others to run it just yet.

  • Gazareth, I tried via the web site by. It didn't work. I noticed via the task manager that the process was using all the 24GB of the RAM. Can I do sth else?

    Thank you

  • I've also noticed that other reports even if they take time running but they use just 3GB of RAM. So I think that the report which takes all the RAM might contain an infinite loop or something like that. How can I verify this hypothesis?

    Thank you

  • aicha.techn (11/26/2014)

    I've also noticed that other reports even if they take time running but they use just 3GB of RAM. So I think that the report which takes all the RAM might contain an infinite loop or something like that. How can I verify this hypothesis?

    Thank you

    Code analysis I guess. Don't have much experience querying cubes so can't aid much along those lines.

    I've never encountered an out of memory issue in RS on the server before. Is the SQL database engine running on the same server, and if so, is Max mem on that set to a realistic value?

    Are the figures for Max & Min Working Set above the actual ones you've used? They're only 768 and 512MB respectively.

    The RS service also needs to be restarted before the values will take effect.


  • Yes the SQL database engine is running on the same server.

    I've set max and min memory as above and restarted the server via services and it seemed that it didn't have any effect.

  • Hello, I've solved my probleme.

    As I thought, it was a infinite loop. the probleme was in the level of my my cube structure. I had a double primary key, so I turned it into a simple one and everything worked perfectely.

    Thanks for your help.:-)

  • Nice one, and thanks for taking the time to post your solution 🙂

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