Problem using bcp

  • I am attempting to import data from a text file customtextout.txt (data in file is separated by a comma), but not having much luck. I freely admit I have no idea what I am doing, adapting code I have found on-line. I get the following error:

    Copy direction must be either in, out or format

    My ultimate goal is to turn this into a batch file that I can run with Task Scheduler.

    bcp Pats Weather.dbo. TestTable "in C:\wdisplay\webfiles\customtextout7.txt -c –t, -S localhost\PSIMONDS\SQLEXPRESS -T

  • It seems that you have some things that don't belong there.

    bcp Weather.dbo.TestTable in C:\wdisplay\webfiles\customtextout7.txt -c -S localhost\PSIMONDS\SQLEXPRESS -T

    Read more about bcp in here:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • this looks wrong.

    it should be either localhost\instance or machinename\instance

    so i'd expect some of these to be right:

    -S localhost\SQLEXPRESS


    -S PSIMONDS\SQLEXPRESS (asuming your machine is named PSIMONDS!)



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