How Do I control Connection error in my script?

  • I wrote an script that connect to 3 servers and get data.

    If one of these servers be unavailable, my script generate error and stop.

    With Try catch I cant Control it.

    please Help me.

  • sm_iransoftware (11/18/2014)

    I wrote an script that connect to 3 servers and get data.

    If one of these servers be unavailable, my script generate error and stop.

    With Try catch I cant Control it.

    please Help me.

    A connection error is a session terminating one. As a result - the context that the TRY...CATCH is running in is not there to "catch" anything.

    As a result you need to encapsulate the script (in a stored procedure usually), then put a TRY...CATCH around the EXEC statement.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thank You For Your Guidness

    this is the final result :

    1- Check Connection With linked Server

    Declare @LinkedServerName nvarchar(128)

    Declare @retval int

    Set @LinkedServerName='YourLinkedServerName'

    begin try

    exec @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @LinkedServerName;

    --Print 'OK'

    end try

    begin catch

    set @retval = sign(@@error);

    --Print @retval

    end catch;


    2- It's Better Put This in an storedPrcedure

    Create Procedure Sp_CheckLinkedserverConnection

    @LinkedServerName nvarchar(128),

    @retval int OutPut



    begin try

    exec @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @LinkedServerName;

    end try

    begin catch

    set @retval = sign(@@error);

    end catch;


    3- After That You Should Bring Your main Code. You Must hidden your linked server Name inan Function or Procedure Such This :

    Create Function dbo.RunOnRemoteServer(@AParameter char(50))

    Returns @OutPutResult Table (OrderID int,

    CustomerName varchar(20),

    OrderTotal money)



    insert into @OutPutResult

    select Orderid,CustomerName,OrderTotal from [LinkedServerName].RowLevel.dbo.Orders



    4- There is a tip : Don't Forget that Complie Your Function when Your Connection to linked server is OK.

    5- Sample Of use this Func.

    Declare @IsConnectionError int

    Set @IsConnectionerror=0

    EXEC Sp_CheckLinkedserverConnection 'YourLinkedServerName', @IsConnectionError OUTPUT

    If @IsConnectionError =0


    select * from dbo.RunOnRemoteServer('ParameterValue')



    select 'Error on Connection'

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