Reverse logshipping between 2 secondaries

  • We have a DR setup where A is production logshipped to B and C. Due to some requirements, we are doing a DR testing where we will not disturb A but instead bring B online to test and during this testing we would need B to be logshipped to C. I am speaking servers in different geographic regions hence my question is:

    Is it possible to achieve the above without having re setup by using the existing LSN sequence.

    Also once the testing is concluded can we get it back to as it was before again not needing to re setup using the same LSN.

    Re setup will have to start with full backups and we have large DB's in excess of 100GB and transfer of such large backups is very much time consuming.

    Any ideas, thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • you want B to take the primary role, is that correct?

    what do you plan to do with A?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • yes, that is correct. I would want B to be primary and it should logship to C.

    We will not be touching A as it is our main production where still some production activity continues. We will just have it continue to take log backups as per schedule.

  • you'll need to remove A from the Log shipping plan then


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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