Disk size still the same after truncate partition procedure

  • I have performed a truncate partition procedures to purge some data, but when I check the disk size it is still the same before the truncate procedure. I checked the db size and it has gone down to 50% and the partition range values that I want is correct. Is there something else I need to do to refresh and show the new disk size? Any help is greatly appreciated. By the way, I'm doing this in a test environment, so I just want to make sure the procedures are ok before I do this in production.

  • Truncating a table or deleting data from a table does not release space from to the operating system from the database file(s), if does make that space available for re-use by the database. If you really need to release the space to the operating system you need to do a DBCC SHRINKFILE(). I wouldn't normally recommend that as the database grew to that size due to use and unless no new data is going to be added to the database, it will likely grow back to the size again.

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